Evgenii, lists,

I would say that 'Gun Country' is a dicisign.

Although I've haven't delved into it deeply, in Tony Jappy's book,*
Introduction to Peircean Visual Semiotics, *one finds a test Peirce gives
of what may count as a dicisign as a footnote in chapter 6, one of the
places in the book where Jappy discusses the dicisign (206, n. 10). I've
provided the full paragraph of the Peirce quotation of which Jappy gives
only the first three sentences which I've put in italics.

*The readiest characteristic test showing whether a sign is a Dicisign or
not is that a Dicisign is either true or false, but does not directly
furnish reasons for its being so. This shows that a Dicisign must profess
to refer or relate to something as having a real being independently of the
representation of it as such, and further that this reference or relation
must not be shown as rational, but must appear as a blind Secondness. But
the only kind of sign whose object is necessarily existent is the genuine
Index.* This Index might, indeed, be a part of a Symbol; but in that case
the relation would appear as rational. Consequently a Dicisign necessarily
represents itself to be a genuine Index, and to be nothing more. At this
point let us discard all other considerations, and see what sort of sign a
sign must be that in any way represents itself to be a genuine Index of its
Object, and nothing more. Substituting for "represents to be" a clearer
interpretation, the statement is that the Dicisign's Interpretant
represents an identity of the Dicisign with a genuine Index of the
Dicisign's real Object. That is, the Interpretant represents a real
existential relation or genuine Secondness, as subsisting between the
Dicisign and its real Object. But the Interpretant of a Sign can represent
no other Object than that of the Sign itself. Hence this same existential
relation must be an Object of the Dicisign, if the latter have any real
Object. This represented existential relation, in being an Object of the
Dicisign, makes that real Object, which is correlate of this relation, also
an Object of the Dicisign. CP 2.310

Having read that, what do you (and others think)? Is "Gun Country" a


Gary R

*Gary Richmond*
*Philosophy and Critical Thinking*
*Communication Studies*
*LaGuardia College of the City University of New York*
*C 745*
*718 482-5690*

On Thu, Oct 2, 2014 at 3:15 PM, Evgenii Rudnyi <use...@rudnyi.ru> wrote:

> A question to better understand what dicisign is. Can one say that Gun
> Country by Michael Murphy is a dicisign?
> http://www.artprize.org/michael-murphy/2014/gun-country
> Best wishes,
> Evgenii
> -----------------------------
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