
Sung, List,

It is not the purpose of a measure to replace the thing measured.
Whether a measure serves any given purpose depends on many factors:
its à priori logical consistency, its empirical construct validity,
and even the efficiency of computing it in critical applications.



Sungchul Ji wrote:
Jon wrote:

"It is necessary to distinguish information from measures of information."

Is this because information has three aspects/properties -- i) quantity, ii)
meaning, and iii) value, and yet Shannon's information theory and other
similar quantitative approaches to information can only capture the first and
not the rest ?

With all the best.

Sung _________________________________________________ Sungchul Ji, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology Department of Pharmacology
and Toxicology Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy Rutgers University Piscataway,
N.J. 08855 732-445-4701


Re: Gary Fuhrman At:http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.science.philosophy.peirce/14544

Gary, Howard, & All,

Between the iPhone spitting out some bytes it found not to its taste and the Auto(spell)bot rewriting wrong some of my writes, I'm afraid the information in my last message got more than a bit corrupted, so here it is
by another channel:

It is necessary to distinguish information from measures of information. Peirce's concept of information is compatible with but generalizes Shannon's.

A good way to get a start on understanding Peirce's idea of information is to read what he writes about it in his 1865-1866 lectures on the Logic of Science.

See also my notes:





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