Dear Howard, lists,
Very good - what should be added is just that bits are symbols in another sense 
than Peirce's sense of symbol.
Maybe we can compare it to the old vocabulary of structural linguistics - words 
are made up of units which may be signs (in-flat-ion), but each of these are 
made up of units which are not themselves signs because not having any meaning 
i-n, f-l-a-t, etc.). The bits of information theory are constituents of signs, 
meaningless when taken one by one, but constituting signs in their combinations.

Den 05/10/2014 kl. 03.53 skrev Howard Pattee 

At 01:39 PM 10/4/2014, Gary Fuhrman quotes Peirce:

Peirce: "When an assertion is made, there really is some speaker, writer, or 
other signmaker who delivers it; and he supposes there is, or will be, some 
hearer, reader, or other interpreter who will receive it. It may be a stranger 
upon a different planet, an æon later; or it may be that very same man as he 
will be a second after. In any case, the deliverer makes signals to the 

HP: Here is another view of how this works. In our case, from the moment we 
type an assertion, draw a diagram, or attach a photo, all the communicated 
information is immediatelycoded into bit sequences by Boolean algebra (not 
logic) and transmitted worldwide by Hertzian waves or light (the same thing at 
shorter wavelengths). In principle, all the coding can be done by Peirce Arrows 
(NAND gates) and all the electrons and waves obey Maxwell's equations. At the 
receiver sequences are decoded, and the sender and receiver do not care about 
the math, physics, or the bit sequences, which is precisely why the bit 
sequences are pure symbols and not icons, indices, or any tokens with intrinsic 
physical similarities or meanings.

In the language of physics, the conditions for a pure symbol vehicle with the 
function of efficiently communicating information of any type is that neither 
the physical structure nor the sequential order of the symbols are determined 
or influenced by physical laws. That means the sequences do not differ 
significantly in energy or forces between them. All efficient information 
structures like sequences and memories are called energy degenerate.

That does not mean communication is independent of laws. The 2nd law of 
thermodynamics says that every bit of information added, erased, coded, decoded 
or used will dissipate a little energy (On the Internet this adds up to 
enormous energy dissipation). Also, the speed and size of symbol manipulating 
chemistry in brains or hardware gates is limited by quantum mechanics.

In the language of Communication Theory, for efficient communication of any 
type of information, all the meaning should be hidden by codes that translate 
the information into meaningless symbols.


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