Gary F wrote in the following link:

"As De Tienne (2006) explains:
Peirce's elaborate discussion of dicisigns or propositions      (100614-1)
in the Syllabus of 1903 (EP2: 275–85, 294–99) and in ‘New
Elements’ (EP2: 308–24) demonstrates clearly how such
propositions always involve iconic and indexical elements—
. . . "

I am puzzled.

How can a dicisign (or propositions) have an icon as its object ? 
According to the 10 classes of signs, there are only 3 dicisigns that
implicate icons -- dicent indexical sinsign, decent indexical legisign,
and decent symbolic legisign.  There is no decent iconic qulaisign, nor
decent iconic sinsign, nor decent iconic legisign, because these violate
the so-called 'Peircean selection rule', according to the quark model of
the Peircean sign.

With all the best.

Sungchul Ji, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
Rutgers University
Piscataway, N.J. 08855

> re Peircean information, there's also my 2010 paper on it, but it's rather
> long ...
> gary f.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jon Awbrey []
> Sent: 6-Oct-14 8:54 AM
> To: 'Peirce List'
> Cc:
> Subject: [PEIRCE-L] Re: Natural Propositions, Chapter 3.6
> Re: Gary Fuhrman
> At:
> Gary, Howard, & All,
> Between the iPhone spitting out some bytes it found not to its taste and
> the
> Auto(spell)bot rewriting wrong some of my writes, I'm afraid the
> information
> in my last message got more than a bit corrupted, so here it is by another
> channel:
> It is necessary to distinguish information from measures of information.
> Peirce's concept of information is compatible with but generalizes
> Shannon's.
> A good way to get a start on understanding Peirce's idea of information is
> to read what he writes about it in his 1865-1866 lectures on the Logic of
> Science.
> See also my notes:
> tension
> Regards,
> Jon
> --
> academia:
> my word press blog: inquiry list:
> isw:
> oeiswiki:
> facebook page:

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