I agree with Howard, when he says that:

discreteness and continuity are
irreducible complementary modes of thinking.

But they are not only complementary (and I use his meaning) of thinking, but also of existence, in the nature of Secondness and Thirdness.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Howard Pattee" <hpat...@roadrunner.com>
To: "'Peirce List'" <peirce-l@list.iupui.edu>; <biosemiot...@lists.ut.ee>
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2014 4:45 PM
Subject: Re: [biosemiotics:7361] RE: [PEIRCE-L] Natural Propositions, Chapter 5

At 02:40 PM 11/4/2014, Gary Fuhrman wrote:

It seems to me that you're in danger here of falling into the trap
that Howard sometimes falls into, of thinking that the existence of
discontinuities or "punctuations" refutes the reality of continuity.

HP: I have never said or implied anything like the "existence of
discontinuities or "punctuations" refutes the reality of continuity."
My point has always been that discreteness and continuity are
irreducible complementary modes of thinking.

Complementary here means that neither conceptually nor formally can
discreteness or continuity be derived from or reduced to the other.
From what I have read, after many tries this was also Peirce's
result. (Note however, the modern physicists' view does not depend on
Peirce's arguments.)



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