Smolin has been recognized as a heavyweight in physics (and cosmology) for some 
time. I haven’t read this book, but the others I have read are very carefully 


From: [] On Behalf Of 
Steven Ericsson-Zenith
Sent: March 20, 2015 2:04 PM
To: Søren Brier
Cc: Jon Awbrey; Steven Ericsson-Zenith; Edwina Taborsky; Jerry LR Chandler; 
Peirce List
Subject: [PEIRCE-L] Re: A System Of Analytic Mechanics

I responded to Soren. In fact, I mention Smolin in the post to which Soren 
responded. I am well aware of Smolin's work - and I am surprised at it. Since 
when has eminence held muster in science? :-)


On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 2:46 AM, Søren Brier 
<<>> wrote:

Thanks. I just wanted to remind  Steven that an eminent modern physicist found 
it possible to uphold his position while having a view close to Peirce's.


-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Jon Awbrey [<>]
Sendt: 19. marts 2015 15:32
Til: Søren Brier; Steven Ericsson-Zenith; Edwina Taborsky
Cc: Jerry LR Chandler; Peirce List
Emne: Re: A System Of Analytic Mechanics

Re: Søren Brier

Søren, List,

Smolin's 'Time Reborn' was the subject, or at least the instigation, of much 
discussion here and there around the web a couple years ago.
 From a cursory search, I think it was Michael Shapiro who broached the topic 
on the Peirce List, inciting discussions that went on for the rest of the 

I recall blogging on it and adding a quote from Peirce in connection with a 
discussion on a blog devoted to computational complexity and the theory of 



On 3/19/2015 2:13 AM, Søren Brier wrote:
> Dear Steven
> Are you aware of the work of Unger and Smolin where they argue for the 
> evolution of laws?
> Cambridge University Press, November 30, 2014.
> Synopsis
> This is a book on the nature of time  and the basic laws of nature. We argue 
> for the inclusive reality of time as well as for the mutability of the laws 
> of nature.  We seek to breathe new life and meaning into natural philosophy 
> –- a form of reasoning that crosses the boundaries between science and 
> philosophy.
> The work should appeal to a broad educated readership as well as to 
> scientists and philosophers. It is not a popularization, but neither does it 
> use a technical vocabulary that would restrict it to specialized readers. The 
> subjects that it addresses are of paramount interest to people in many 
> disciplines outside cosmology and physics.
> In the twentieth century, physics and cosmology overturned the idea of an 
> unchanging background of time and space. In so doing, however, they 
> maintained the idea of an immutable framework of laws of nature. This second 
> idea must now also be attacked and replaced. What results is a new picture of 
> the agenda of physics and cosmology as well as of the methods of fundamental 
> science.
> The book develops four inter-related themes:
> 1) There is only one universe at a time. Our universe is not one of many 
> worlds. It has no copy or complete model, even in mathematics. The current 
> interest in multiverse cosmologies is based on fallacious reasoning.
> 2) Time is real, and indeed the only aspect of our description of nature 
> which is not emergent or approximate. The inclusive reality of time has 
> revolutionary implications for many of our conventional beliefs.
> 3) Everything evolves in this real time including laws of nature.  There is 
> only a relative distinction between laws and the states of affairs that they 
> govern..
> 4)  Mathematics deals with the one real world. We need not imagine it to be a 
> shortcut to timeless truth about an immaterial reality (Platonism) in order 
> to make sense of its “unreasonable effectiveness” in science.
> We argue by systematic philosophical and scientific reasoning , as well as by 
> detailed examples, that these principles are the only way theoretical 
> cosmology can break out of its current crisis in a manner that is scientific, 
> i.e. results in falsifiable predictions for doable experiments.
> And Smolin’s Time Reborn
> “What is time?
> It’s the sort of question we rarely ask because it seems so obvious. And yet, 
> to a physicist, time is simply a human construct and an illusion. If you 
> could somehow get outside the universe and observe it from there, you would 
> see that every moment has always existed and always will. Lee Smolin 
> disagrees, and in Time Reborn he lays out the case why.
> Recent developments in physics and cosmology point toward the reality of time 
> and the openness of the future. Smolin’s groundbreaking theory postulates 
> that physical laws can evolve over time and the future is not yet determined. 
> Newton’s fundamental laws may not remain so fundamental.”
> Smolin quotes Peirce several times in this book for the view that different 
> laws emerging in the course of the development of the universe over time.
>                                             Søren


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