---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sungchul Ji <s...@rci.rutgers.edu>
Date: Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 9:18 PM
Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] What is information and how is it related to
'entropy' ?
To: John Collier <colli...@ukzn.ac.za>


For the benefit of these lists, my advise to you is simple: Let's do
science; not personal attacks.

I feel sorry for Steven.


On Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 8:13 PM, John Collier <colli...@ukzn.ac.za> wrote:

>  This is the sort of thing that I have called “nuts” Sung. Let better
> people than you and me judge. It is unfortunately similar to your bizarre
> comments about Peirce.
> You keep, as Edwina has said many times, repeating the same nonsensical
> interpretations, and never admit you are wrong. It is pointless to try to
> communicate with such a strategy. This is much worse than the strategy that
> Steven has adopted in claiming the a certain position does not make sense
> because he does to understand how it could make sense. You go further and
> try to reject the position of a perfectly comprehensible positon on the
> grounds that it does not agree with what you have previously said. You are
> an academic hazard, much like a drunken drive is a hazard.
> I have already responded to your objections in your interpretation of
> Schrödinger’s work, but you seem incapable of digesting them. Like Steven,
> you object to view because they do not correspond to your preconceptions
> without trying to understand the preconceptions involved and thus interpret
> them properly. I am sad that you have imposed such limitations on your
> intellect, which is obviously large.
> John
> *From:* sji.confor...@gmail.com [mailto:sji.confor...@gmail.com] *On
> Behalf Of *Sungchul Ji
> *Sent:* April 7, 2015 8:17 PM
> *To:* John Collier
> *Cc:* biosemiotics
> *Subject:* Re: [PEIRCE-L] What is information and how is it related to
> 'entropy' ?
> John,
> You wrote: ". . . He points out a bit later that a piece of coal is
> ordered with respect to its disordered burnt state, and can thus do work."
> So, you agree with Schroedinger that, whenever a system transitions from
> an ordered state to a disordered state, the system can do work.  In other
> words, you believe that, when a system performs work, its entropy
> increases. Do you ?  How about me writing this email, which is a form of
> work.  Did my entropy increase as a result of my writing activity ?   I
> don't think so.  What increased is the entropy of the Universe, not that of
> my body.  What actually happened in my body due to my writing activity is a
> decrease in Gibbs free energy (due to my muscle mitochondria burning NADH),
> which is the function of both entropy and energy, i.e., dG = dE + PdV -
> TdS.  So it is clear that what is responsible for my body performing work
> is not entropy increase in my body but Gibbs free energy decrease, i.e., dG
> < 0, which is always accompanied by an increase in the entropy of the
> Universe but the entropy change, dS, of my body may be positive, negative
> or zero, depending on environment.
> If this analysis is correct, one reason that Schroedinger associated order
> with negative entropy (which violates the Third Law) is his pre-occupation
> with 'entropy' and failure to see that what allows non-isolated systems to
> perform work is not just entropy but free energies.
> All the best.
> Sung
> On Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 4:53 PM, John Collier <colli...@ukzn.ac.za> wrote:
> I shouldn’t have started looking at these posts again.
> John
> *From:* sji.confor...@gmail.com [mailto:sji.confor...@gmail.com] *On
> Behalf Of *Sungchul Ji
> *Sent:* April 7, 2015 4:38 PM
> *To:* John Collier
> *Cc:* biosemiotics
> *Subject:* Re: [PEIRCE-L] What is information and how is it related to
> 'entropy' ?
> John, you wrote:
> ". . . .the rest of your post seems either commonplace or nuts to me, so
> I will leave things there."
> Can it be that "commonplace or nuts are in the eye of the beholder" ?
> [John Collier] Of course. Though commonplace is fairly easy to show,
> ”nuts” is clearly subjective. What I meant is that I don’t get much reward
> from trying to figure out what you mean. No doubt that is a failing of mine
> rather than a problem with the way you express yourself, but I have to go
> with the way things seem to me.
> You are also claiming that Brillouin meant "negative entropy change" by
> his neologism, "negentropy".   Since I have not read Brillouin deeply as
> you seem to have done, I cannot make any comment on your conclusion.  But
> this much is clear:  Schroedinger did not mean "negative entropy change" by
> "negative entropy" as you can clearly see on pages 72 and 73 of his What Is
> Life ? (see attached).
> [John Collier] I just don’t see your point here. In the piece he discusses
> order and disorder, with disorder associated with entropy and order
> associated with negentropy. He points out a bit later that a piece of coal
> is ordered with respect to its disordered burnt state, and can thus do
> work. How you can interpret the illustration of negentropy as anything but
> a difference between a lower entropy and a higher entropy state is beyond
> my comprehension. He talks about food providing order to organisms and says
> that they feed off negentropy. Clearly he means order by negentropy. There
> is nothing that implies that there are things with entropies lower than 0.
> In particular, entropy he defines, as usual, as logD, and negative entropy
> as log1/D, which is the negative of logD, and, as he says, a measure of
> order (similar, as he says, to Boltzmann’s usage). There is no way that
> this implies that there are entropies less than 0. I don’t have page
> numbers in the manuscript version I have with me, but I am sure you can
> find the appropriate passage, but it is mainly in Chapter 6; the coal
> example that is meant to illustrate what he meant *against objections* is
> in the note to Chapter 6.
> --
> Sungchul Ji, Ph.D.
> Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology
> Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
> Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
> Rutgers University
> Piscataway, N.J. 08855
> 732-445-4701
> www.conformon.net

Sungchul Ji, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
Rutgers University
Piscataway, N.J. 08855


Sungchul Ji, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
Rutgers University
Piscataway, N.J. 08855

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