Franklin, lists,

I agree with Jon, thanks for your excellent starting post.

You wrote,

   [....] Why can't corollarial reasoning, which involves observation
   and experimentation, reveal unnoticed and hidden relations? After
   all, on p.285-6, Frederik mentions the work of police detective Jorn
   "Old Man" Holm and his computer program, which Frederik describes as
   a "practical example of corollarial map reasoning" (p.285). In this
   example, Holm uses the corollarial reasoning to reveal information
   about the whereabouts of suspects. Doesn't the comparison of the map
   reasoning with suspects' testimony end up revealing unnoticed and
   hidden relations?

There's a distinction that some make between complexity and mere complication. Corollarial reasonings may accumulate mere complications until the result becomes hard to see, although it involves little if any complexity in, more or less, the sense of depth or nontriviality.

I don't know whether there's a theorematic approach to Jørn Holm's diagrammatization that would show its result in a nontrivial aspect, and anyway its diagrammatic, pictorial presentation already leaves one in no doubt that a pattern is revealed. A good example involving alternate proofs that seem corollarial and theorematic is the Monty Hall problem, a popular puzzle based in probability theory. I remember reading an essentially corollarial proof of the answer, and seeing a round diagram that showed how alternatives lead inevitably to the conclusion in the diagram's center. The answer to the Monty Hall problem remains, however, notoriously counter-intuitive to people; the essentially corollarial but multi-step proof - in words, even with the round diagram - often leaves people with nagging vague doubts. They get that it must be true but they feel that they don't fully get the problem, they keep re-examining the problem, wondering whether it was well disambiguated, etc. (it describes an actual standard scenario on a popular TV game show). But the problem's answer has also a proof that deserves to be called theorematic (even if it is not very much so) since it involves varying the conditions of the problem, adding things not contemplated in the thesis, going a little deeper into the mathematical possibilities. One increases the number of doors in the scenario from 3 to 10. With 10 doors, the basically the same solution makes obvious sense, then one reduces the number doors from 10 to 9 to 8, etc. down to 3, and sees that the basic solution does not change at all; people get satisfied (for whatever that's worth). It has become hard to avoid running into that proof if one searches the Internet for "Monty Hall problem". I also vaguely remember a geometric problem involving the fitting of circles, shown to me by a roommate during college; he was dissatisfied with a particular usual proof, he wanted a proof that gave more satisfactory understanding, and it turned out to be more imaginative and, as I'd call it now, theorematic.

Nontriviality or depth of a result should not be confused with mere complication and lengthiness of a proof; take the Pythagorean theorem, which is considered both deep and not very hard to prove. The nontriviality or depth of a theorem consists not in the difficult complication of proving it but in its favorability as a bridge to further nontrivial lessons or, to put it less recursively, its favorability for use as a basis for further proofs almost as if it were another postulate even though it is entailed by the postulates and axioms already granted. It's a place where one can come to rest for a while and set up camp; if I were to coin a word dedicated to expressing it I'd say 'basatility'. Likewise the nontriviality or depth (apart from mere complication as distinguished from complexity) of a proof of a theorem is properly its favorability as a basis for further lessons. (I'm not sure that there is much difference between 'depth' and 'power' of a theorem or a proof.) The nontrivial or deep is more or less _/difficult/_ (which is a usual connotation especially of 'nontrivial') since, of course, it requires some corresponding depth or or nontriviality of understanding and perspective.

(One should distinguish such depth, complexity, etc., of theorems and proofs also from the logical complexity that a fact or datum, as a relation or complexus of relations, possesses; I mean such 'complexity' as quantified and characterized by valence, transitivity or intransitivity, etc. This is likewise as one distinguishes the novelty or new aspect of a deductive conclusion from Shannonesque quantity of information or 'newsiness'.)

Best, Ben

On 4/19/2015 6:06 AM, Franklin Ransom wrote:

Hello lists,

As Gary Fuhrman posted two weeks ago, I will be leading discussion on Chapter 10 of NP. I am sorry for posting a week later than planned.

In what follows, I will treat each section of the chapter, partly to summarize the important points up for discussion, and partly to remind listers of the contents of the chapter. Afterwards, I will finish with some issues and questions regarding the chapter. Next week, I will post on the relationship between this chapter and the other chapters of the book.


"The truth, however, appears to be that all deductive reasoning, even simple syllogism, involves an element of observation; namely, deduction consists in constructing an icon or diagram the relations of whose parts shall present a complete analogy with those of the parts of the object of reasoning, of experimenting upon this image in the imagination, and of observing the result so as to discover unnoticed and hidden relations among the parts" ("On the Algebra of Logic", 1885, 3.363) (p.268 of NP)

All deduction makes use of diagrams. A diagram is defined as an icon which, by analogy, represents relations between objects. This means that diagrams do not necessarily have to be graphic, visual representations, but can include a much larger variety of representations, including even algebraic formulas.

Mathematics is the science that has to do with drawing necessary conclusions regarding hypotheses about the forms of relations of objects. As Frederik restates it, mathematics has to do with hypothetical abstract objects. In order to access such objects, a two-step process involving diagrams is required:

First, a given diagram is stripped of its accidental qualities, in a way similar to how everyday ordinary objects are stripped of their qualities in order to grasp natural kinds. More formally, it is the process of prescission, in which a token's accidental qualities are abstracted away so that all that is left is what is essential to the type of which the token is an instance. The diagram token, with extraneous considerations removed, reveals only the essential relations between the objects involved in the diagram, and thus reveals the diagram type of which it is a diagram token.

Second, the diagram token may be experimented upon according to certain types of transformations that preserve truth through logical steps. By experimenting on the diagram token, information can be garnered about the diagram type. In this way, by manipulating the forms of relations of objects according to rule-governed transformations that preserve logical validity, we can learn about hypothetical abstract objects--the subject matter of mathematics.

According to Peirce's system of the sciences, every other science borrows principles from mathematics. In considering the relation between mathematical diagrams and applied diagrams, this means that applied diagrams, whether having to do with a science or with everyday reasoning, employ mathematics either explicitly or implicitly. Thus, all deductive reasoning, whether scientific or everyday, involves mathematical diagrammatic reasoning. The following discussion about theorematic diagrammatic reasoning is not only of significance then for mathematics, but for epistemology as well. Recalling the quote from Peirce given above, Stjernfelt notes that "[t]he 'unnoticed and hidden' relations obtainable by diagram observation, of course, are what are later taken to require theorematic deduction, in addition to mere inference from definitions" (p.268).

The section finishes with introducing the corollarial/theorematic distinction. However, the next section details the distinction more precisely.


In this section is covered the various definitions given by Peirce over time about what theorematic reasoning is.

Peirce's five definitions of theorematic reasoning:

1. Theorematic reasoning is not reducible to inferences from conceptual definitions, i.e. conceptual analysis, in the way that corollarial reasoning is (though both require observation). 2. Theorematic reasoning involves the introduction of new elements to the premises, whether new individuals or foreign ideas, abstractions or non-abstractions. 3. Theorematic reasoning involves performing an action that manipulates the diagram as part of diagram experimentation. 4. Theorematic reasoning requires complex, or specially constructed, schemata, as opposed to simple schemata in corollarial reasoning; a matter of difference in degree of complexity.
5. Theorematic reasoning requires a new point of view of the problem.

"To sum up Peirce's different descriptions of theorematic reasoning, we can say they exceed the mere explication from the combination of definitions by introducing something further, be it new elements (particular or general), be it experiments by diagram manipulation, be it the substitution of schemata for words, or be it the gestalt shift of seeing the whole problem from another point of view." (p.280)


The theorematic/corollarial distinction applies regardless of logic system used, though what shall count as theorematic and what shall count as corollarial is relative to the system of logic, i.e. the axiom and rule systems.


Three levels of theorematic diagram experiment:

1. The appropriate selection of new particular objects that are permitted by the formal system
2. Experimenting with one or more basic object or rule definitions
3. Establishment of a system of different versions of the object or rule definitions

"Thus, the three theorematic levels distinguished here -- the introduction of a new object, and the two types of introducing a foreign idea, the experiment with one or more of the basic object or rule definitions, and the establishment of a system of different versions of those definitions, seem to to [sic] give us a hypothesis of three different levels of theorematic diagram experiment." (p.285)


Examples of diagram experiments taken from geography:

1. Introduction of the ruler (new object?)
2. The relationship between domesticated species, isotherms, and the development of human civilization (first level, new objects) 3. The connection between Africa and South America through the idea of continental drift (second level, foreign idea)
4. The Pangaea hypothesis (third level, new perspective)


This section concludes the chapter with discussion of the relation between theorematic reasoning and hypostatic abstraction. Hypostatic abstraction is "the procedure Peirce described as making a second-level substantive out of a first-level predicate, thereby creating a new object of thought" (p.291). It is implied to be involved in second-level diagram experiments, ones that involve the introduction of foreign ideas; it is explicitly said to be involved in third-level diagram experiments, which involve many foreign ideas synthesized into a new perspective, and which are cases of complex hypostatic abstraction.


1. Is prescission here the same as prescision in "On a New List of Categories", making it identical with the idea of abstraction?

2. "The truth, however, appears to be that all deductive reasoning, even simple syllogism, involves an element of observation; namely, deduction consists in constructing an icon or diagram the relations of whose parts shall present a complete analogy with those of the parts of the object of reasoning, of experimenting upon this image in the imagination, and of observing the result so as to discover unnoticed and hidden relations among the parts" ("On the Algebra of Logic", 1885, 3.363) (p.268) Stjernfelt says "The 'unnoticed and hidden' relations obtainable by diagram observation, of course, are what are later taken to require theorematic deduction, in addition to mere inference from definitions" (p.268). Is this really true? Peirce says in the quote that all deduction is of this sort; but theorematic deduction is not all deduction. Why can't corollarial reasoning, which involves observation and experimentation, reveal unnoticed and hidden relations? After all, on p.285-6, Frederik mentions the work of police detective Jorn "Old Man" Holm and his computer program, which Frederik describes as a "practical example of corollarial map reasoning" (p.285). In this example, Holm uses the corollarial reasoning to reveal information about the whereabouts of suspects. Doesn't the comparison of the map reasoning with suspects' testimony end up revealing unnoticed and hidden relations?

3. Frederik's geography examples raises an issue about the relationship between theorematic diagrammatic reasoning and abductive inference. In the example where Wegener supposes that Africa and South America were once one continent, Frederik refers to this as an example of theorematic diagram experimentation, because Wegener observed in a map that the West coast of Africa and the East coast of South America seemed to fit together, and Wegener introduced the idea of continents moving over time to explain the apparent fit. Now it is easy to see that a diagram was involved. But, it also seems clear that this is a case of abductive reasoning, not deduction, because the idea of continental drift is an idea which explains the apparent, surprising fit of the two continents. Similar remarks could be made of the Pangaea example.

The issue here is: how do theorematic reasoning and abductive inference relate to each other? How can we distinguish which cases are theorematic deductions and which cases are abductive inferences? Frederik mentions the relationship on p.276, but that discussion does not make the relationship very clear: "But in the course of conducting the experiment, an abductive phase appears when investigating which experimental procedure, among many, to follow; /which/ new elements or foreign ideas to introduce". Is abduction somehow adventitious to theorematic reasoning, or is it in fact its inclusion in diagrammatic reasoning that marks the difference between corollarial and theorematic diagrammatic reasoning? If it is a necessary component, this throws doubt on Frederik's claims elsewhere that such reasoning can be a priori; abduction is always an answer to some experience calling for explanation.

4. In connection with the previous question, consider the idea of diagrammatic experimentation. How does this kind of experimentation relate to inductive experimentation? What is the place of diagrammatic experimentation in scientific method?

5. Peirce's existential graphical logic is not mentioned in the chapter. A claim in the chapter is that 'pure' diagrams are mathematical diagrams that inevitably inform applied diagrams. However, it's not clear whether the existential graphs are supposed to be mathematical diagrams, and yet they seem to exemplify 'pure' diagrams par excellence. How should we view graphical logic in light of Frederik's analysis of mathematical diagrammatic reasoning?

These are just some possible ideas to think about. If anyone would like to respond, or has something else to bring up with respect to the chapter, please feel free to contribute!

-- Franklin

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