Franklin, lists,

I think that Frederik is largely assuming Peirce's terminology. Peirce uses the words 'schema' and 'diagram' pretty much interchangeably.

Here are some key quotes on which Frederik is basing his discussion of the theormatic-corollarial distinction.

I once did a summary (footnoted with online links) of key points (at least as they seemed to me at the time); here it is with a few adjustments of the links:

   Peirce argued that, while finally all deduction depends in one way
   or another on mental experimentation on schemata or diagrams,^*[1]*
   still in corollarial deduction "it is only necessary to imagine any
   case in which the premisses are true in order to perceive
   immediately that the conclusion holds in that case", whereas
   theorematic deduction "is deduction in which it is necessary to
   experiment in the imagination upon the image of the premiss in order
   from the result of such experiment to make corollarial deductions to
   the truth of the conclusion."^*[2]* He held that corollarial
   deduction matches Aristotle's conception of direct demonstration,
   which Aristotle regarded as the only thoroughly satisfactory
   demonstration, while theorematic deduction (A) is the kind more
   prized by mathematicians, (B) is peculiar to mathematics,^*[1]* and
   (C) involves in its course the introduction of a lemma or at least a
   definition uncontemplated in the thesis (the proposition that is to
   be proved); in remarkable cases that definition is of an abstraction
   that "ought to be supported by a proper postulate."^*[3]*

   [1] Peirce, C. S., from section dated 1902 by editors in the "Minute
   Logic" manuscript, Collected Papers v. 4, paragraph 233, quoted only
   in part
   in "Corollarial Reasoning" in the Commens Dictionary of Peirce's
   Terms, 2003–present, Mats Bergman and Sami Paavola, editors,
   University of Helsinki. FULL QUOTE:
   in The World of Mathematics, Vol. 3, p. 1776.
   [2] Peirce, C. S., the 1902 Carnegie Application, published in The
   New Elements of Mathematics, Carolyn Eisele, editor, quoted in
   "Corollarial Reasoning"
   in the Commens Dictionary of Peirce's Terms, also transcribed by
   Joseph M. Ransdell, see "From Draft A - MS L75.35-39" in Memoir 19
   (once there, scroll down).
   [3] Peirce, C. S., 1901 manuscript "On the Logic of Drawing History
   from Ancient Documents, Especially from Testimonies', The Essential
   Peirce v. 2, see p. 96. See quote
   in "Corollarial Reasoning" in the Commens Dictionary of Peirce's Terms.

The introduction of an idea beyond the explicit conditions of a problem and not contemplated in the thesis to be proved is precisely a 'complexifying' step. One might think of it as a leveraging of imagination to deepen understanding, by which vague remark I'm trying to get at the idea that such complexity is very different from the tedious complication of hundreds or thousands of trivial computations, computations that need to be done sometimes even in pure mathematics, where it is known as 'brute force'. Tedious computation used to be done by people called 'computers' up until computing machines came into use; part of Peirce's burden at the Coast Survey was that there came a time when he had to do his own tedious, lengthy computations and, worse, he found that his computing power was no longer what it was when he was younger; errors crept in.

In CP 4.233 (again in "The Essence of Mathematics", Peirce says,

   [....] Just now, I wish to point out that after the schema has been
   constructed according to the precept virtually contained in the
   thesis, the assertion of the theorem is not evidently true, even for
   the individual schema; nor will any amount of hard thinking of the
   philosophers' corollarial kind ever render it evident. Thinking in
   general terms is not enough. It is necessary that something should
   be DONE. In geometry, subsidiary lines are drawn. In algebra
   permissible transformations are made. Thereupon, the faculty of
   observation is called into play. Some relation between the parts of
   the schema is remarked. But would this relation subsist in every
   possible case? Mere corollarial reasoning will sometimes assure us
   of this. But, generally speaking, it may be necessary to draw
   distinct schemata to represent alternative possibilities. [....]

The above is an example of why I keep talking about complexity in the sense of nontriviality. A theorem in the old sense, that is, as opposed to a corollary, is a proposition whose proof requires, at least as a practical matter, some 'complexifying', active new-idea-adding experimentation of theorematic reasoning. Such reasoning does not just add steps and operations, but incorporates ideas in ways that enrich the understanding, make 'new gestalts', to borrow some lingo that may sound hokey today. The mathematical theorem's nontriviality is its character of being a mathematical theorem in the sense of not being a mathematical corollary; it's such a theorem's non-corollarity. The theorem's nontiviality reflects, is, in a sense, the needed theorematicity of its proof, and for that very reason it reflects also the prospect of its occasioning in turn further theorematic proofs of further theorems, whatever they might be, as opposed to mere corollaries; its all about deepened understandings, as opposed to merely additional tidbits, soever multitudinous, of information. It takes nontrivia to make nontrivia. It's true that I bring in a methodology-of-inquiry perspective in addition to the critique-of-arguments perspective taken by Peirce in analyzing theorematic and corollarial reasonings. But I think that it does matter in understanding the role of theorematic reasoning in mathematics, and in relating the ideas of theorematic and corollarial reasonings to the common parlance (at least what I've been told of it) of mathematicians, where 'nontriviality', 'depth', 'fecundity' are prized characters of proven propositions.

It's not that the theorematic deduction brings something to light while the corollarial deduction brings nothing to light. It's a matter of degree as you say; indeed what seems theorematic to a schoolchild may well seem corollarial to a mathematician. Peirce generally discusses reasoning and inquiry in the context of discovery rather than in the context of justification, as Frederik pointed out; and we never entirely depart the context of discovery even when we're focused on justification. Anyway, corollarial reasoning that is not manifestly redundant (redundant like '/pq/, ergo /p/') does provide some jot of novelty or nontriviality; the categorical syllogisms (such as All A is B, all B is C, ergo all A is C) are deductive forms designed to assure some modicum of novelty in corollarial conclusions; and massive, brute-force corollarial computation may bring things to light that we couldn't find otherwise (it still plays a big role in the proof of the four-color theorem). What Peirce says is that sometimes corollarial deduction won't suffice, and that then theorematic deduction is needed in order to bring something to light.

Whew. I'm not sure I've addressed all in your post, but I'll let it stand for now and retract who knows what tomorrow.

Best, Ben

On 4/19/2015 5:12 PM, Franklin Ransom wrote:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: *Franklin Ransom* < <> >
Date: Sun, Apr 19, 2015 at 5:11 PM
Subject: Re: [biosemiotics:8342] Re: [PEIRCE-L] Natural Propositions, Ch. 10: Corollarial and Theorematic Experiments with Diagrams
To: <>

Ben, lists,

Thank you, Ben, for a post that is (clearly) on topic.

Frederik notes, in the fourth definition of theorematic reasoning, that it involves schemata rather than words. Actually, he qualifies this claim, noticing that Peirce says even words are schemata, but rather simple schemata. Theorematic reasoning typically involves then complicated schemata. It is really a matter of degree or gradation though, as corollarial reasoning typically involves simpler schemata and theorematic reasoning typically involves complicated schemata, relative to each other. In the text, p.276-7, Frederik seems to associate schemata with diagrams, so that corollarial reasoning makes less use of diagrams and theorematic reasoning makes greater use of diagrams.

If I recall correctly, this is all that is really mentioned about complexity or complication. Otherwise, there is the discussion in the chapter regarding the possibility that some theorematic reasoning, using a different logic system (by this, meaning a different set of axioms and rules), may be reworked as corollarial reasoning, because not needing to include something new or foreign to the premises and conclusion as the other logic system would have required. I believe that is in p.280-3.

As I understand it, what Frederik takes to be most essential is the introduction of something new or foreign to the reasoning, and not so much the relative simplicity or complexity of the reasoning. This is probably due to the flexibility of some reasonings as being capable of classification under either head, depending upon the logic system at work.

With respect to nontriviality or depth, this isn't really discussed in the chapter. The point of the chapter is less about the value of theorems than it is about explaining what theorematic diagrammatic reasoning is and what its significance is. In fact, the significance seems to be less about the importance of theorematic reasoning in mathematics and more about the importance of theorematic reasoning for epistemology, i.e. for knowledge whether of the scientific sort or of the everyday sort.

My concern about corollarial reasoning is that, since corollarial reasoning does involve experimentation, what should be the point of experimentation if nothing unnoticed or hidden ever appeared as a result? I don't doubt that theorematic reasoning is better for the purpose, I just don't think that it's a hard-and-fast line to be drawn between theorematic and corollarial reasoning. Perhaps my concern would be better answered though if it were made clearer what the role of these reasonings is in the context of scientific method, which would allow for a clearer account of the Holm example.

-- Franklin

On Sun, Apr 19, 2015 at 2:05 PM, Benjamin Udell < <> > wrote:

    Franklin, lists,

    I agree with Jon, thanks for your excellent starting post.

    You wrote,

        [....] Why can't corollarial reasoning, which involves
        observation and experimentation, reveal unnoticed and hidden
        relations? After all, on p.285-6, Frederik mentions the work
        of police detective Jorn "Old Man" Holm and his computer
        program, which Frederik describes as a "practical example of
        corollarial map reasoning" (p.285). In this example, Holm uses
        the corollarial reasoning to reveal information about the
        whereabouts of suspects. Doesn't the comparison of the map
        reasoning with suspects' testimony end up revealing unnoticed
        and hidden relations?

    There's a distinction that some make between complexity and mere
    complication. Corollarial reasonings may accumulate mere
    complications until the result becomes hard to see, although it
    involves little if any complexity in, more or less, the sense of
    depth or nontriviality.

    I don't know whether there's a theorematic approach to Jørn Holm's
    diagrammatization that would show its result in a nontrivial
    aspect, and anyway its diagrammatic, pictorial presentation
    already leaves one in no doubt that a pattern is revealed. A good
    example involving alternate proofs that seem corollarial and
    theorematic is the Monty Hall problem, a popular puzzle based in
    probability theory. I remember reading an essentially corollarial
    proof of the answer, and seeing a round diagram that showed how
    alternatives lead inevitably to the conclusion in the diagram's
    center. The answer to the Monty Hall problem remains, however,
    notoriously counter-intuitive to people; the essentially
    corollarial but multi-step proof - in words, even with the round
    diagram - often leaves people with nagging vague doubts. They get
    that it must be true but they feel that they don't fully get the
    problem, they keep re-examining the problem, wondering whether it
    was well disambiguated, etc. (it describes an actual standard
    scenario on a popular TV game show). But the problem's answer has
    also a proof that deserves to be called theorematic (even if it is
    not very much so) since it involves varying the conditions of the
    problem, adding things not contemplated in the thesis, going a
    little deeper into the mathematical possibilities. One increases
    the number of doors in the scenario from 3 to 10. With 10 doors,
    the basically the same solution makes obvious sense, then one
    reduces the number doors from 10 to 9 to 8, etc. down to 3, and
    sees that the basic solution does not change at all; people get
    satisfied (for whatever that's worth). It has become hard to avoid
    running into that proof if one searches the Internet for "Monty
    Hall problem". I also vaguely remember a geometric problem
    involving the fitting of circles, shown to me by a roommate during
    college; he was dissatisfied with a particular usual proof, he
    wanted a proof that gave more satisfactory understanding, and it
    turned out to be more imaginative and, as I'd call it now,

    Nontriviality or depth of a result should not be confused with
    mere complication and lengthiness of a proof; take the Pythagorean
    theorem, which is considered both deep and not very hard to prove.
    The nontriviality or depth of a theorem consists not in the
    difficult complication of proving it but in its favorability as a
    bridge to further nontrivial lessons or, to put it less
    recursively, its favorability for use as a basis for further
    proofs almost as if it were another postulate even though it is
    entailed by the postulates and axioms already granted. It's a
    place where one can come to rest for a while and set up camp; if I
    were to coin a word dedicated to expressing it I'd say
    'basatility'. Likewise the nontriviality or depth (apart from mere
    complication as distinguished from complexity) of a proof of a
    theorem is properly its favorability as a basis for further
    lessons. (I'm not sure that there is much difference between
    'depth' and 'power' of a theorem or a proof.) The nontrivial or
    deep is more or less _/difficult/ _ (which is a usual connotation
    especially of 'nontrivial') since, of course, it requires some
    corresponding depth or or nontriviality of understanding and

    (One should distinguish such depth, complexity, etc., of theorems
    and proofs also from the logical complexity that a fact or datum,
    as a relation or complexus of relations, possesses; I mean such
    'complexity' as quantified and characterized by valence,
    transitivity or intransitivity, etc. This is likewise as one
    distinguishes the novelty or new aspect of a deductive conclusion
    from Shannonesque quantity of information or 'newsiness'.)

    Best, Ben

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