Sung, List,

Like I keep saying, but maybe some folks haven't heard it yet,
the main problem with the diagram you keep drawing is that it
does not represent an irreducibly triadic sign relation at all.
What it does represent is the decomposition of the function or
dyadic relation h as a composition f o g of two other functions
or dyadic relations f and g.  But decomposability is just another
word for reducibility and so your diagram depicts the very opposite
of the property you keep saying it depicts.



On 6/22/2015 2:57 PM, Sungchul Ji wrote:
Jon wrote:

"So it's perfectly okay to say that relations exist in the world and
you can even say that thirdness is the essence of triadic relations,
meaning that all triadic relations have a property in common that
you might as well call “thirdness” as anything else, but when you
turn to saying that thirdness inheres in one of the places of the
relation and not the others then that is a matter of another sort
and it does not automatically follow.  Here we risk what I have
called the “Fallacy Of Misplaced Essence” (FOME) and avoiding
that takes quite a bit more care."

I agree.
The following diagram may help us avoid FOME.  That is, the term
"thirdness" applies to the whole 3-node network, not to Interpretant alone,
as some may be tempted to assume.

          f                               g
Object ------> Representamen ------> Interpretant
  |                                       ^
  |                                       |

In other words, "thirdness" to me is the name given to the irreducible
triadicity depicted in this figure consisting of 3 nodes and 3 edges that
satisfy the commutative condition, which I conveniently represent as f x g
= h, where f = sign production, g = sign interpretation, h = validation,
grounding, proof, information flow, etc.

All the best.


On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 9:50 AM, Jon Awbrey <> wrote:

Helmut, List,

A day in the yard meditatively pulling weeds helped me to clear my head and
I think I can see where this all went agley.  I still think that what Harry
wrote is an apt statement of a critical point in Peirce's theory of signs
and I'm sorry if I stepped on it with my nonce-ens words about “ontologism”
so I'll put off the long version explanation of that to another time.

On Edwina's prompting I did take the trouble to look the word up
and I see that it really was already in use, however obscurely,
at least to a non-mediæval scholar like me:


“Ontologism is an ideological system which maintains that God and
Divine ideas> are the first object of our intelligence and the
intuition of God the first act of our intellectual knowledge.”

Although I can dimly see, or imagine a link between that ideology
and the ideology I was trying to criticize I think it's probably
best to avoid conflating the two ideas and so I'll go back to
using words like “essentialism” that I've used before, as in
this record of an earlier discussion:

☞ Nominalism and Essentialism are the Scylla and Charybdis
that Pragmatism Must Navigate Its Middle Way Between

A famous physicist whose name I've forgotten
once said something to the following effect:

“An -ism never did much for science, except for prism.”

To prism I'd add pragmatism and maybe schism but the point is that
I almost always speak of isms in a critical vein, as emphases that
have closed out their complementary emphases or as ideologies that
have taken their initial idea a bridge too far.  So I was thinking
of the series ontology, ontologist, ontologism on analogy with the
series science, scientist, scientism.

So it's perfectly okay to say that relations exist in the world and
you can even say that thirdness is the essence of triadic relations,
meaning that all triadic relations have a property in common that
you might as well call “thirdness” as anything else, but when you
turn to saying that thirdness inheres in one of the places of the
relation and not the others then that is a matter of another sort
and it does not automatically follow.  Here we risk what I have
called the “Fallacy Of Misplaced Essence” (FOME) and avoiding
that takes quite a bit more care.




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