Thanks Tom, for your clarification. I’m about to bolt out the door, I’ll take a 
closer look at this tomorrow. Cheers, sj


From: Ozzie [] 
Sent: Thursday, 22 October 2015 6:31 PM
To: Stephen Jarosek
Cc: Peirce-L
Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Show us the computer - reasons for DNA entanglement


Stephen ~

At the close of your posting on DNA, you wrote: "Anyone else interested in 
exploring this further? There seems to be a reluctance for people to step 
beyond their spheres of expertise, perhaps for fear of ridicule."

Following that invitation, I commented on the role played by DNA in Pragmatic 
logic.  Your response (below): "Your explanation is an example of those 
self-consistent narratives that people construct in order to rationalize their 

I am not the first to suggest that DNA is a polymer, so I'm not rationalizing 
my assumptions.  It's a common view among experts:  "DNA is a polymer."  
I simply explained how to interpret the DNA polymer in terms consistent with 
Pragmatic logic:  DNA memorializes evolutionarily successful "habits" in the 
polymer, and those habits are later engaged (as "instinct") when 
electrochemical changes in the environment trigger the polymer/habit into 
action.  I also suggested an empirical test for your view DNA that 
"communicates" at a distance.


DNA as Pragmatic logic:  Successive generations of humans experience "random" 
variations in their genes.  People with those variations are (mainly) unaware 
of it, and go on living their lives.  However, in Pragmatic logic those 
variations are functionally equivalent to abducted hypotheses about superior 
habits that would generate greater survivability.   Life experiences following 
the abducted hypotheses are functionally equivalent to inductive activities 
(tests).  A gene variation that eventually proves to have greater survival 
value represents a new/superior version of the human gene: The offspring of the 
hybrid-human expand to dominate the population.  That updated gene functionally 
corresponds to a deductive model (in the polymer) on how to successfully 
navigate the environment.  Subsequent generations will carry that habit. Then 
the process begins anew:  Deduction, abduction, induction, deduction, 
abduction, induction ...



Tom Wyrick

On Oct 21, 2015, at 11:47 AM, Stephen Jarosek <> wrote:

Tom, your explanation is an example of those self-consistent narratives that 
people construct in order to rationalize their assumptions. We all do it on 
occasion, some more than others, and we all have to be on guard against this 
predisposition. One of the ways we might do so is to formalize our thinking in 
terms of axioms – a framework of best guesses. Within the context of my 
axiomatic framework, your explanation does not work. Within an infinite 
universe, minute, complex structures might stumble into existence according to 
the laws of chance... and then blink out again just as quickly. With all the 
forces of entropy arrayed against them, the minutest, most complex structures 
won’t last. It is their persistence across time that is the deal-breaker. Of 
course I could be wrong, but then I do emphasize that my axiomatic framework is 
a best guess. Yours is a rationalization... a “just so” story... that is absent 
of an axiomatic framework to anchor to. sj


From: Ozzie [] 
Sent: Wednesday, 21 October 2015 6:09 PM
To: Stephen Jarosek
Cc: Peirce-L
Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Show us the computer - reasons for DNA entanglement


Stephen ~ 

DNA is a polymer that represents habits that persisted and experienced 
evolutionary success.  That is an exercise in Pragmatic logic.  The polymer is 
later activated by electrochemical energy in its immediate environment.  That 
is Pragmatic logic, too. 


The knowing-how-to-be behavior you emphasize may be the result of the DNA a 
polymer expressing itself as instinct. No computer is required for polymers to 
work, so the absence of a computer is not evidence of anything (other than a 
confused analysis).  The logic involving the polymer has already been performed 
(perhaps millions of years previously), so it responds to a trigger from the 
environment -- a logical "abduction" that the situation has changed. 


If a polymer is cut in two, I am not familiar with any rule of polymers that 
prevents each segment from reacting to a common field of electrochemical 
energy.  The "correlation" that exists between the segments is due to the 
common field (of electrochemical energy) they share.  Why not separate the two 
DNA strands (or neurons if you prefer) and immerse them in different 
electrochemical environments?   If they're still communicating or their 
behavior is still correlated after that, then your hypothesis has empirical 


This is a good illustration for my observation yesterday that any deeper 
analysis of logic must be grounded in physical reality. 



Tom Wyrick




On Oct 21, 2015, at 6:34 AM, Stephen Jarosek <> wrote:


The more that I think about DNA entanglement, the more I am of the opinion that 
it needs to be factored into the semiotic narrative. Because we do not have all 
the facts, we should do so in a way that keeps open the option for expanding 
our narrative to include nonlocal phenomena (such as DNA entanglement).

The established narrative on DNA theory, based as it is in the information 
technology (infotech) metaphor that compares the brain to a computer, is 
fundamentally flawed. It is flawed for a number of reasons, but the most 
obvious one is that for all this purported data “software” in the DNA, there is 
nothing resembling a computer to process it. If the mainstream life-science 
community is to persist with this infotech narrative, then they need to be 
consistent. But how can they remain consistent if, in violation of the 
principles of complexity and the laws of thermodynamics (entropy), it is 
impossible for anything resembling a computer to occur in nature?

Thus, what we are left with at the heart of any cell, is DNA molecules... with 
no evidence of any infotech mechanism that might process the “data”. SHOW US 
THE COMPUTER! NO COMPUTER, NO DNA INFOTECH (and no genocentric paradigm). It’s 
that simple. This topic should be of interest to us in semiotics, because 
ultimately, I suggest, the principles on which DNA function are semiotic in 

In their experiment testing for the possibility of non-local correlations 
between separated neural networks, Pizzi et al (2004) conclude that “after an 
initial stage where the system interacts by direct contact, also in the 
following stage where the system has been separated into two sections, a sort 
of correlation persists between sections. This is what , at a macroscopic 
level, we verify in our experiment: it seems that neurons utilize the quantum 
information to synchronize.”

Given what we know of entanglement between particles, the only way in which 
correlations between separated neural networks can occur is via the DNA 
molecules within the neurons .

Other similar experiments in biophysics arrive at similar or analogous 
conclusions. And the most common question raised among researchers in quantum 
biology, including Pizzi et al above, is along the lines of... how do 
mechanisms within the cell utilize entanglement? I would suggest that they have 
their reasoning back-to-front. It is not the mechanisms that utilize 
entanglement, but entanglement that is the source for the mechanisms, 
properties and predispositions. And this reframes the problem as one that 
relates principally to semiotics.

As a tentative description for how this might relate to semiotics, here’s one 
of my conjectures: Entanglement between DNA molecules, I suggest, enables the 
body's cells to access the shared mind-body condition, to be informed by it. In 
this way, DNA entanglement plays a crucial role in knowing how to be. This 
would be analogous to how our telecommunication technologies provide every 
person in a city with immediate access to the city's options, to inform its 
people on how to be. For example, people growing up in working-class or 
middle-class suburbs are more likely to know how to be tradesmen, shopkeepers, 
nurses, police or the unemployed, while people growing up in upper-class 
suburbs are more likely to know how to be professionals, investors, 
office-workers or, simply, the idle rich. This interpretation would be 
consistent with how stem-cells develop, contingent on their location within the 
organs of the body. A stem-cell has to know how to be before it can become a 
productive cell with its role in an organ properly defined. And the stem-cell’s 
proximal/local context is what teases out its predispositions, in order to 
define its ultimate purpose. This line of thinking seems to resonate with 
aspects of David Bohm’s implicate/explicate order. [What I have in mind here is 
also analogous to Rupert Sheldrake’s theory of morphic resonance, where he 
regards the DNA molecule as analogous to a receiver (antenna).] In summary, 
proximal context (face-to-face or synapse-to-synapse) is what teases out both 
the neuron’s AND the human’s nonlocal predispositions, to define their ultimate 

Anyone else interested in exploring this further? There seems to be a 
reluctance for people to step beyond their spheres of expertise, perhaps for 
fear of ridicule. But in any interdisciplinary endeavour, this needs to be 
done. We are ill-served when we allow The Establishment to dominate with a 
broken genocentric narrative. At the very least, these ideas merit 


Pizzi, R., Fantasia, A., Gelain, F., Rosetti, D., & Vescovi, A. (2004). 
Non-local correlations between separated neural networks (E. Donkor, A. Pirick, 
& H. Brandt, Eds.). Quantum Information and Computation (Proceedings of SPIE), 
5436(II), 107-117. Retrieved August 2, 2015, from


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