Thanks Gary!

Your comments are noted and appreciated.

Good luck with your work!

Jerry R

On Mon, Apr 11, 2016 at 3:12 PM, <> wrote:

> Helmut,
> Yes, by all means write it down step by step, and think it through before
> you share it with us, whether it’s a “new theory” or not. That’s what I did
> with both of my recent long posts. Also, since they were about *Peirce’s*
> concept of “determination,” I was careful to include *his* definition of
> the term near the beginning. You should probably do the same with yours, as
> it seems to be quite different from Peirce’s, if you’re going to post it
> here.
> Gary f.
> *From:* Helmut Raulien []
> *Sent:* 11-Apr-16 14:46
> Gary, list,
> I think, that there is continuous determination only in inanimate nature,
> efficient causation. Organisms act due to their needs, final causation, and
> nervous animals, or at least animals with a brain, also act due to their
> wishes. Needs and wishes rather occur than are determined. Especially
> wishes may be quite nonrational, capricious, whatever. Peirce believed in
> the phaneron, I dont. I rather believe in some sort of autonomy of the mind
> of a nervous animal. Free will, volition. Ok, it has to be synchronized
> with the environment, with society, to turn out to having a viable effect.
> So there is feedback and learning. But one certain wish is not a determined
> result of the past, I guess. So maybe I am not in accord with Peirce in
> this respect, but am so in the other respect, that I think there are three
> kinds of causation in accord with the three categories: force, need, and
> wish, or to say it in latin: Causa efficiens, Causa finalis, Causa
> exemplaris. Applying to the causal closedness of the three kinds of
> systems: Inanimate universe, organism, brain. Determination only is there
> within causa efficiens. This is a new theory ok, i will have to write it
> down step by step...
> Best,
> Helmut
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