> On Jun 24, 2016, at 1:42 PM, John Collier <colli...@ukzn.ac.za> wrote:
> OK, this seems better to me, especially in communication among people, but I 
> still resist the idea that the immediate object is generally an average in 
> any sense. My problem is trying to fit that idea into my understanding of 
> information flow (using Barwise and Seligman’s technical approach to make 
> sense of Dretske’s Knowledge and the Flow of Information). David Lewis’s work 
> on the conventionality of meanings in communication does seem to require 
> something like what you identify. <>
I should add it’s really hard to quantify this notion into something more 
technically accurate. I don’t think this is just a problem with the immediate 
object but besets a lot of Peirce’s thought relative to common sensism. He 
makes use of the idea of “true in the main” quite regularly but honestly I 
can’t quite figure out what that actually means when I think about it more. I’m 
not sure brushing aside this issue by coenoscopic and idioscopic distinctions 
solves the problem. So I definitely tend to agree with you.
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