Hi all,

As a point of clarification:

This is an argument:
The surprising fact, C, is observed.
But if A were true, C would be a matter of course.
Hence, there is reason to suspect that A is true.

because An "Argument" is any *process of thought* *reasonably tending to
produce a definite belief*.  In an argument, the premisses form a
representation of the conclusion, because they indicate the interpretant of
the argument, or representation representing it to represent its object.

This is an argumentation:
C = Father
A = Son
B = Spirit

because An "Argumentation" is an *Argument proceeding upon definitely
formulated premisses*.

Jerry R

This maxim once accepted, – intelligently accepted, in the light of the
evidence of its truth, – speedily sweeps all metaphysical rubbish out of
one’s house. Each abstraction is either pronounced to be gibberish or is
provided with a plain, practical definition.

On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 8:09 AM, Edwina Taborsky <tabor...@primus.ca> wrote:

> Jon, list
> Well, it's rather clear that we read Peirce differently.
> I read the NA as an outline of the three methods of argumentation, with
> the use of 'god' as an example. I think that if you google 'Peirce
> Neglected Argument abduction deduction induction' that you'll find plenty
> of articles focused on that.
> I also don't agree with your view that the Three Universes are a 'more
> mature' outline of the three categories. I see the three universes,
> comparing them to Firstness, Secondness, Thirdness, do this only in the
> most superficial manner - for Abduction, although acting within the
> freshness and novelty of Firstness only exists as such - within the nested
> work of Secondness and Thirdness. Otherwise, its content would disappear
> like a cloud.
> And - the three categories are, in my reading of Peirce, PRIMAL - and
> basic to existence, for none of the ten classes of Signs [and all existence
> is in Signs] - could function without those categories.
> And - you view Thirdness as Mind [or, Mind as Thirdness] whereas I
> consider that Mind operates within all three categorical modes - and
> Thirdness requires Secondness and Firstness as components.
> So- our readings of Peirce differ quite a bit.
> Edwina
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* Jon Alan Schmidt <jonalanschm...@gmail.com>
> *To:* Edwina Taborsky <tabor...@primus.ca>
> *Cc:* peirce-l@list.iupui.edu
> *Sent:* Tuesday, October 11, 2016 10:58 PM
> *Subject:* Re: RE: [PEIRCE-L] Peirce's Cosmology
> Edwina, List:
> As a matter of fact, I have read that particular article, since it came up
> in the thread on "Peirce's Theory of Thinking."  Chiasson's thesis is that
> Peirce was really writing about "the *attitude* and *method* from which
> all decisions of importance to the conduct of a life should begin."  I find
> this implausible for the same reason as your previous suggestion that he
> was really offering "a metaphoric argument for the three modes of
> argumentation"--if that were the case, why is it not reflected in the
> title?  Surely the burden of proof is on anyone who claims that Peirce's
> intention was anything other than describing a neglected argument for the
> reality of God.
> In any event, Chiasson's article does not discuss the three Universes of
> Experience *at all*, so I am still looking for a good reason to think
> that they correspond to retroduction/induction/deduction rather than
> Firstness/Secondness/Thirdness.  Obviously Peirce's article *does *discuss
> those three types of inference, but it does so quite explicitly.  The
> interesting thing is that it *never* brings up the categories--which is
> why it makes a lot of sense to recognize them as the Universes.
> Regards,
> Jon
> On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 9:33 PM, Edwina Taborsky <tabor...@primus.ca>
> wrote:
>> Jon, list
>> You wrote:
>>  Searching the List archives and the Internet in general has (so far)
>> turned up no rationale for instead taking them to represent the three types
>> of inference.
>> By 'three types of inference' - I am guessing that you mean the three
>> types of argumentation. That's how I read the NA - and as I said - it's
>> been analysed in this way before. Phyllis Chiasson, a respected Peirce
>> scholar, certainly makes such an analysis.
>> http://www.iupui.edu/~arisbe/menu/library/aboutcsp/chiasson/revisit.htm
>> I suggest you google: 'Peirce neglected argument and abduction' - and
>> you'll come up with further discussion. So, it's strange that you haven't
>> come across this argument before.
>> And I don't consider the three universes as equivalent to the three
>> categories. I don't see how one can analyze the ten classes of signs
>> without the use of the three categories - and the three universes would be
>> irrelevant in that analysis of the semiosic process.
>> Edwina
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> *From:* Jon Alan Schmidt <jonalanschm...@gmail.com>
>> *To:* Edwina Taborsky <tabor...@primus.ca>
>> *Cc:* Helmut Raulien <h.raul...@gmx.de> ; peirce-l@list.iupui.edu
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, October 11, 2016 9:58 PM
>> *Subject:* Re: RE: [PEIRCE-L] Peirce's Cosmology
>> Edwina, List:
>> ET:  I think that one has to first define 'God'. If the term means 'pure
>> mind' then, this fits in with Peirce's analysis ...
>> The handful of quotes that I included in my post to start this thread
>> give us a pretty good idea of how Peirce defined God, at least with respect
>> to his cosmology, which is (after all) what we are discussing.  "Pure mind"
>> is only one aspect, and God is certainly not *identical* to
>> mind--according to Peirce, God is also *Ens necessarium*; Creator of all
>> three Universes of Experience and everything in them, without exception;
>> not immanent in them or in nature, but independent of them, or at least two
>> of them; omniscient, omnipotent, and infinitely benign.
>> ET:  ...  for he considers that Mind is 'immanent in nature'.
>> Except that he never actually says this, using these particular words.  I
>> guess it depends on how we define "immanent" and "nature."
>> ET:  This means that the results of the process of abduction, an act of
>> immediate Firstness.  can be moved into the present instantation of
>> inductional experience..and then, backed up by analysis over time, or,
>> deduction.
>> Peirce, of course, put these in a different order--abduction, then
>> deduction, then induction.  The hypothesis must be explicated in order to
>> determine whether and how it can be evaluated.
>> ET:  Panpsychism seems to have a different meaning ...
>> Terms like pantheism, panentheism, and panpsychism seem to be rather
>> broad and vague, with considerable overlap.  Given the scope of Peirce's
>> writings, I am now inclined to avoid attaching any such labels to his
>> thought, except the ones that he himself used--such as synechism.
>> ET:  There is no way, I feel, that the Categories can be removed from
>> being an integral component of Peircean semiosis.
>> I am not suggesting that the categories be *removed*, just that Peirce
>> changed his own terminology toward the end of his life.  In fact, there
>> seems to be broad consensus among Peirce scholars that the three Universes
>> of Experience *do *correspond to the three categories.  After all, what
>> viable alternatives are there?  Searching the List archives and the
>> Internet in general has (so far) turned up no rationale for instead taking
>> them to represent the three types of inference.  Would you mind sharing
>> your own reasons for reading "A Neglected Argument for the Reality of God"
>> as "a metaphoric argument for the three modes of argumentation"?
>> Thanks,
>> Jon
>> On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 2:57 PM, Edwina Taborsky <tabor...@primus.ca>
>> wrote:
>>> I think that one has to first define 'God'. If the term means 'pure
>>> mind' then, this fits in with Peirce's analysis -  for he considers that
>>> Mind is 'immanent in nature'.  Of course, one then has  to define 'Mind' -
>>> and I disagree that it is only Thirdness, but consider that it, as a
>>> powerful process,  contains the actions of Firstness and Secondness as well
>>> - This means that the results of the process of abduction, an act of
>>> immediate Firstness.  can be moved into the present instantation of
>>> inductional experience..and then, backed up by analysis over time, or,
>>> deduction.
>>> Panpsychism seems to have a different meaning, ie, "the  doctrine or
>>> belief that everything material, however small, has an element of
>>> individual consciousness.". Since Peirce rejected consciousness as a
>>> necessary attribute of Mind and wasn't keen on psychology - then, this
>>> definition doesn't seem to work. However, if you remove 'individual
>>> consciousness' from the definition and define it instead as a 'process of
>>> Mind or Reason'...then..this would, I think, fit into the Peircean analysis.
>>> And I don't consider the Universes as equivalent to the Categories and
>>> thus, do not, in my view, 'supplant' the Categories. There is no way, I
>>> feel, that the Categories can be removed from being an integral component
>>> of Peircean semiosis. The Categories, in my reading of Peirce, are
>>> certainly not external labels which we use to categorize experience. I read
>>> them as integral to reality and existence.
>>> Edwina
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> *From:* Jon Alan Schmidt <jonalanschm...@gmail.com>
>>> *To:* Helmut Raulien <h.raul...@gmx.de>
>>> *Cc:* peirce-l@list.iupui.edu
>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, October 11, 2016 3:22 PM
>>> *Subject:* Re: RE: [PEIRCE-L] Peirce's Cosmology
>>> Helmut, List:
>>> My understanding of "pantheism" is that it entails that God is "immanent
>>> in nature," so Peirce's explicit denial of this in three different drafts
>>> of "A Neglected Argument" is pretty decisive evidence against deeming him a
>>> pantheist.  It seems to me that Edwina's adjustment--stating that Mind
>>> (rather than God) is immanent in nature--is more properly classified as pan
>>> *psychism*, and I do not believe that it is terribly controversial to
>>> apply that particular label to Peirce.  At least some of the other
>>> formulations that you offered sound to me more like *panentheism* than
>>> pantheism, but my impression is that there are a lot of different
>>> varieties, and I am not personally familiar with the nuances.
>>> Regards,
>>> Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
>>> Professional Engineer, Amateur Philosopher, Lutheran Layman
>>> www.LinkedIn.com/in/JonAlanSchmidt - twitter.com/JonAlanSchmidt
>>> On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 12:26 PM, Helmut Raulien <h.raul...@gmx.de>
>>> wrote:
>>>> List,
>>>> Regarding the question, whether Peirce was a pantheist or not, I was
>>>> thinking about the meaning of "immanent". If it means that something is
>>>> contained (nonlocally in this case), like as an epiphenomenon or a trait of
>>>> something, then something "immanent" implies not being the creator of this
>>>> thing. But if God is the creator, and still is present everywhere and
>>>> everywhen, i.e. nonlocally and nontemporally, might this still be
>>>> pantheism, though without immanence? In this case the universe does not
>>>> contain God, but the other way round. And the immanence is also the other
>>>> way: God is not immanent in the universe (or the three of them), but the
>>>> universe is immanent in God? No, maybe one cannot say so, if one believes
>>>> in creation as a process, because then in the beginning there must have
>>>> been a God without a universe. But on the other hand, this might be a too
>>>> anthropocentric concept of God and of creation: Maybe it is not a linear
>>>> process, like a carpenter making a chair?
>>>> About possibilities: Are they creative or privative? Is a possibility
>>>> an invention, or something that remains when a lot of other items in
>>>> question have been identified as, or turned out to be, impossibilities?
>>>> With God as firstness, it should be the first (creative possibility) , I
>>>> guess. But this might be a hen-and-egg-question, which suggests that there
>>>> was a beginning: Either a nothing, or an everything. But maybe there was no
>>>> beginning (like eg. buddhists claim).
>>>> Best,
>>>> Helmut
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