
Following up on the post below--as I mentioned in the thread on Universes
and Categories (was Peirce's Cosmology), I now notice that Peirce added the
caveat that whether it is correct to assign Subjects to Universes and
Predicates to Categories "is a question for careful study" (CP 4.545).  He
then proceeded to present a long and complicated analysis of propositions
to explain why he found it *unsatisfactory *to view Universes as
"receptacles of the Subjects alone" (CP 4.548).  At least, I think he did

CSP:  Let us, at least, *provide *for such a [destined] mode of being in
our system of
diagrammatization, since it *may *turn out to be needed and, as I think,
surely will.

CSP:  I will proceed to explain why, although I am not prepared to deny
that every proposition can be represented, and that I must say, for the
most part very conveniently, under your view that the Universes are
receptacles of the Subjects alone, I, nevertheless, cannot deem that mode
of analyzing propositions to be satisfactory. (CP 4.547-548)

The second sentence here is key, but it is tough to decipher.  I assume
that "explain why" refers to the preceding assertion that a third mode of
being will be needed.  The rest is very muddled.  What is the relevance of
whether "every proposition can be represented"?  What, specifically, did
Peirce find "very convenient"?  Most importantly, what "mode of analyzing
propositions" could he not deem to be satisfactory?  Am I right to take
this as referring to "your view that the Universes are receptacles of the
Subjects alone"?

I think so, because Peirce went on to suggest, as an alternative, "the
principle that each Universe consists, not of Subjects, but the one of True
assertions, the other of False, but each to the effect that there is
something of a given description."  The rest of CP 4.548 is an analysis of
two specific propositions using both methods, showing that the alternative
is more correct.  But this means that there are only *two *Universes, not
three; and they consist of True and False assertions, not Ideas,
Things/Facts, and Habits/Laws/Continua.  Given the context, I gather that
these may refer to the Sheet of Assertion and that which is fenced off from
it by a cut.  So apparently this passage is apparently not about the
"Universes of Experience" at all!  Peirce then came back to Categories in
CP 4.549.

CSP:  I will now say a few words about what you have called Categories, but
for which I prefer the designation Predicaments, and which you have
explained as predicates of predicates.  That wonderful operation of
hypostatic abstraction by which we seem to create *entia rationis* that
are, nevertheless, sometimes real, furnishes us the means of turning
predicates from being signs that we think or think through, into being
subjects thought of.

As I also mentioned in the other thread, hypostatic abstraction enables us
to convert predicates into subjects.  Does this mean that even if we assign
subjects to Universes and predicates to Categories, it turns out to be a
distinction without a difference?

CSP  We thus think of the thought-sign itself, making it the object of
another thought-sign.  Thereupon, we can repeat the operation of hypostatic
abstraction, and from these second intentions derive third intentions.
Does this series proceed endlessly?  I think not.  What then are the
characters of its different members?  My thoughts on this subject are not
yet harvested.  I will only say that the subject concerns Logic, but that
the divisions so obtained must not be confounded with the different Modes
of Being:  Actuality, Possibility, Destiny (or Freedom from Destiny).  On
the contrary, the succession of Predicates of Predicates is different in
the different Modes of Being.  Meantime, it will be proper that in our
system of diagrammatization we should provide for the division, whenever
needed, of each of our three Universes of modes of reality into *Realms *for
the different Predicaments.

Now we have "Modes of Being" or "modes of reality" that are identified as
"three Universes" and correspond to "Actuality, Possibility, Destiny (or
Freedom from Destiny)."  We also have "Realms for the different
Predicaments," which are what we used to call "Categories," but these
divisions "must not be confounded with the different Modes of Being";
instead, "the succession of Predicates of Predicates is different in the
different Modes of Being."  Peirce leaves it at that ... and thus I am
still confused about Universes and Categories.



On Wed, Oct 19, 2016 at 7:26 PM, Jon Alan Schmidt <>
>> wrote:
>>> Jeff, List:
>>> JD:  Relations of reference subsist between two subjects that belong to
>>> different categories of being. Referential relations subsist between
>>> subjects that belong to different universes of discourse.
>>> The passage that you quoted dates from 1903, before the shift in
>>> Peirce's theoretical framework that Jappy hypothesizes.  How do we
>>> reconcile your summary here with the "Prolegomena" passage from 1906, which
>>> indicates that Subjects belong to Universes and Predicates belong to
>>> Categories?  Which 1903 term corresponds to "Universes of Experience" in
>>> 1908--"categories of being" or "universes of discourse"?
>>> JD:  I think that Peirce sometimes dropped the distinction between the
>>> realms of the logical categories and the realms of the universes in his
>>> later writings when he was examining matters of philosophical necessity and
>>> was operating as this very high level of the discussion.
>>> My impression--which may be incorrect--is that Peirce stopped talking
>>> about Categories altogether in his later writings, and only talked about
>>> Universes.  Jappy specifically claims that "after 1906 Peirce never again
>>> employed his categories as criteria in the classification of signs," but I
>>> am not entirely sure that this is also true in other areas.
>>> JD:  My ability to engage in these discussions has been limited due to
>>> my daughter’s health issues.
>>> Prayers are ascending for your daughter, as well as for you and the rest
>>> of your family.
>>> Regards,
>>> Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
>>> Professional Engineer, Amateur Philosopher, Lutheran Layman
>>> -
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