Mike, List,

The mathematical perspectives and theories that made modern physics possible,
perhaps even inevitable, were developed by many mathematicians, both abstract
and applied, all throughout the 19th Century.  There was a definite sea change
in the way scientists began to view the relationship between mathematical models
and the physical world, passing from a monolithic concept to variational choices
among multiple approaches, models, perspectives, and theories.

Peirce was an astute observer and active participant in this transformation but
it has always been difficult to trace his true impact on its course — so much of
what he contributed operated underground, rhizome like, and without recognition.
But I think it's fair to say that Peirce articulated the springs and catches of
the workings of science better than any other reflective practitioner in his or
subsequent times.  And I think the full import of his information-theoretic and
pragmatic-semiotic approaches to scientific inquiry is a task for the future to
work out.



On 5/14/2017 1:34 AM, Mike Bergman wrote:
I just encountered this assertion:

"In the present work we have indicated that a form of logic, relational logic
developed by C. S. Peirce, may serve as the foundation of both quantum mechanics
and string theory." [1]

Does the list have any comments, further references or criticisms on this pretty
bold statement?

Thanks, Mike

[1] A. Nicolaidis, 2008. "Categorical Foundation of Quantum Mechanics and String
Theory," arXiv:0812.1946, 10 Dec 2008. See https://arxiv.org/pdf/0812.1946.pdf


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