This always struck me as being, at least, a parallel articulation of
quantum mechanics. Peirce knew that macro-scale knowledge was beset by
limits, and that these limitations became more problematic as precision

59. (2) By thus admitting pure spontaneity or life as a character of the
universe, acting always and everywhere though restrained within narrow
bounds by law, producing infinitesimal departures from law continually, and
great ones with infinite infrequency, I account for all the variety and
diversity of the universe, in the only sense in which the really *sui
generis* and new can be said to be accounted for.

Also, in the same work on chance, Peirce references Boltzmann, whose gas
laws helped lead Planck to the quantum nature of radiation.

On Sat, May 13, 2017 at 10:34 PM, Mike Bergman <> wrote:

> I just encountered this assertion:
> "In the present work we have indicated that a form of logic, relational
> logic developed by C. S. Peirce, may serve as the foundation of both
> quantum mechanics and string theory." [1]
> Does the list have any comments, further references or criticisms on this
> pretty bold statement?
> Thanks, Mike
> [1] A. Nicolaidis, 2008. "Categorical Foundation of Quantum Mechanics and
> String Theory," arXiv:0812.1946, 10 Dec 2008. See
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