Edwina, a few responses,


ET: “this is simply how YOU choose to read Peirce.”

GF: Yes. That is exactly what I said in my post, and I gave my reasons for 
choosing to read that way, and said explicitly that people who read differently 
have a right to do so.


ET: “you cannot claim that your method produces 'the correct Peirce'.”

GF: I neither made nor implied any such claim. You are the one who applies the 
word “correct” to your own reading, as for instance in your post to Mary the 
other day.


ET: “I read ALL of Peirce.”

GF: Really? That’s much more than I can claim. And I read Peirce sentence by 
sentence, paper by paper, and often have to read papers more than once. You are 
truly fortunate if you are not subject to such limitations.


ET: “I'm not belittling you! I focus only on the issue and never on the 

GF: You are accusing me of doing what you yourself are doing in this very post: 
focusing on me, or rather on your misreading of me. I guess you don’t consider 
methods of reading an important semiotic issue, which is fine, but if you want 
to make more personal attacks, I suggest you take them offlist. Just don’t 
expect me to respond. I’m going back to studying Peirce’s Lowell lectures — my 
way, of course: I’m not finished with reading Peirce as you are.


Gary f.


From: Edwina Taborsky [mailto:tabor...@primus.ca] 
Sent: 13-Dec-17 08:50
To: peirce-l@list.iupui.edu; g...@gnusystems.ca
Subject: Re: RE: RE: [PEIRCE-L] Lowell Lecture 3.4


Gary F, list

I disagree with you. I don't think that you have a right to assert that 'all I 
ask of an interpreter of Peirce' is..... You and I are equal - and this 
sentence of yours denies that equality and instead inserts you as The Authority 
on How To Read and Understand Peirce. Instead - this is simply how YOU choose 
to read Peirce. Others do not choose this method. And you cannot claim that 
your method produces 'the correct Peirce'. It is simply YOUR method. 

Your outline of how I read Peirce is quite incorrect. As I said - I read Peirce 
in a holistic manner, which means - not 'free' as you belittle the term  - but 
that I read ALL of Peirce, and don't read him as do you and a few [not all] 
others do - in a literary manner, i.e., as if he were writing literature and 
you approach it as a literary critique of all the years of his work, in a year 
by year, essay by essay, text-based and linear manner.

Furthermore - you seem to be suggesting that the massive amount of work [all 
those volumes are not bits and pieces] already available to us - somehow 
doesn't tell the 'truth', the 'full story' about what Peirce meant. I doubt 
that a few more essays/pages/articles can really change the basic framework and 
thought of Peirce that is already to be found in what we have available. Peirce 
was a very thorough and consistent thinker - and his analysis is found already 
in what we have available...

 I choose a different approach to Peirce - and you have no right to assert that 
your method is superior - No-one is asking you to change your method of reading 
Peirce - and I'm not belittling you! I focus only on the issue and never on the 

Given  this, all that I ask of you - is that you respect other researchers in 
Peirce...rather than belittling them. You can - and should - certainly disagree 
with their conclusions - but I consider that you should focus your critique on 
the topic and points raised in those conclusions - rather than belittling their 
person, their intellect, their way of working...and suggesting that their way 
does not lead to 'enlightenment' while your way does.  



On Wed 13/12/17 7:59 AM ,  <mailto:g...@gnusystems.ca> g...@gnusystems.ca sent:



All I ask of an interpreter of Peirce is that he or she read the whole text, 
exactly as Peirce wrote it at the time and in the context he was working in, 
and see for themselves what it means — realizing that its implications for the 
reader might differ from the implications of a previous (or subsequent) reading 
of the same text. 


The alternative method (which you’ve called “holistic” and I’ve called “free”) 
is to pick out a few phrases here and there, rearrange them to suit one’s 
preconceived ideas, fill the gaps with some phrases of your own invention, and 
defend that “reading” against all others. Interpreters have a right to read 
that way, of course; the trouble is that if you read a text that way, it can 
never mean anything new to you, and thus can’t extend or deepen your 
understanding of Peirce’s work as a whole.


I don’t object to people reading that way, or even posting such readings to the 
list in opposition to others, but I can’t read or post that way myself because 
I’m still learning from Peirce. That’s why I keep coming back to Peirce texts 
that I’ve read before, hoping to see what they mean that I didn’t see before, 
in the light of other texts I’ve read in the meantime, such as the one Jeff 
quoted in his post last night. I’m in no rush to arrive at a Final 
Interpretation of Peirce, I just want to keep learning. 


I am certainly learning from reading these Lowell lectures — especially so 
because I never had a chance to read entire drafts of them until the SPIN 
project made the manuscripts available online. Reading a whole text as Peirce 
wrote it is what I would prefer to call a holistic reading. Before this, I had 
to settle for the bits and pieces selected by editors of the Collected Papers 
and scattered around in its several volumes. The transcriptions of the Lowells 
that I’ve put on my own website are my attempt to remedy that situation, or at 
least improve on it, for those who don’t have the time or inclination to read 
the manuscripts themselves.


Gary f. 

http://gnusystems.ca/Lowell3.htm }{ Peirce’s Lowell Lectures of 1903 


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