On 4/17/2018 4:41 PM, Jerry LR Chandler wrote:
I was referring to music, not merely a collection of notes.

I certainly agree that the same notes played by Jascha Heifetz
and the kid next door would not be comparable in quality.

Are your assertions, based on 7 notes in one measure, rather broad and superficial for meaningful musical notation for a score?

There are standards for transcribing and linearizing any musical score
into a form that could be automatically translated to and from any
notation for first-order logic.

In fact, a former colleague of mine at IBM was a pioneer in developing
such translations.  His name was Stephan Bauer-Mengelberg.  Among other
things, he had been an assistant conductor of the New York Symphony.

He was also a logician who translated many classical texts on logic
from German to English, and he was employed as a mathematician at IBM.
See below for excerpts from his obituary.


From https://www.nytimes.com/1996/10/28/arts/stefan-bauer-mengelberg-a-conductor-69.html

Stefan Bauer-Mengelberg, a mathematician, conductor and lawyer, was found dead last Monday at his home in Amagansett, L.I. He was 69.
The cause was heart failure, said a friend, Pat Trunzo 3d.

Although Mr. Bauer-Mengelberg worked for many years as a mathematician for I.B.M., his simultaneous career as a conductor and teacher included many prestigious posts. He was an assistant conductor at the New York Philharmonic under Leonard Bernstein during the 1959-60 season, and returned in later years as guest conductor of the orchestra.

He also served as the music director of the St. Louis Philharmonic Orchestra from 1960-62, and as president of the Mannes College of Music from 1966-69.

His overlapping expertise in computers and music led him to devise a system of musical notation for computers...
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