
> On Jul 4, 2018, at 12:27 PM, wrote:
> [[ If we take any proposition, say 
> A sinner kills a saint
> and if we erase portions of it, so as to leave it a blank form of 
> proposition, the blanks being such that if every one of them is filled with a 
> proper name, a proposition will result, such as 
> ______ kills a saint 
> A sinner kills ______ 
> ______ kills ______
> where Cain and Abel might for example fill the blanks, then such a blank 
> form, as well as the complete proposition, is called a rheme …. If it has one 
> blank it is called a monad rheme, if two a dyad, if three a triad, if none a 
> medad (from μηδέν).  ] Lowell Lecture 2 ]
> [[ By a rheme, or predicate, will here be meant a blank form of proposition 
> which might have resulted by striking out certain parts of a proposition, and 
> leaving a blank in the place of each, the parts stricken out being such that 
> if each blank were filled with a proper name, a proposition (however 
> nonsensical) would thereby be recomposed. ] CP 4.560 (1906)]

One can not help but notice the highly unusual tension between classical usage 
of terms when one compares:
> ______ kills ______
> and 
> [[ By a rheme, or predicate, will here be meant a blank form of proposition 
> which might have resulted by striking out certain parts of a proposition, and 
> leaving a blank in the place of each, the parts stricken out being such that 
> if each blank were filled with a proper name,
The contrast between the classical meaning of a predicate and a rheme is 


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