BODY { font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12px;
}John - thank you - very good advice.

 On Thu 02/08/18  3:18 PM , John F Sowa sent:
 Gary F, 
 The practice of avoiding the word 'you' may seem to be trivial, 
 but it is surprisingly effective in reducing the "heat" in 
 heated arguments. 
 > Shifting the focus from the statement by “taking it
 > and reacting against some imagined slight in it is a habit that 
 > can’t be cured by avoiding any specific word across the board. 
 I just went through previous notes in the "Logical Depth" thread, 
 and I didn't see any occurrence of the word 'you' in the remarks 
 by Mike B. and Gary R.  They made their points effectively without 
 saying anything offensive to or about other subscribers. 
 But following are some examples from different, unidentified
 Example 1 
 > You are confusing an individual comment with an assertion that 
 > the comment expresses THE TRUTH. 
 The phrase "you are confusing..." is always an insult.  It's better 
 to say "That's not what I implied" and rephrase the point that was 
 EX 2 
 > I’m glad to see that you now acknowledge the reality of truth. 
 This is a gratuitous insult.  Various subscribers to Peirce-L 
 may quibble about the criteria in different circumstances, but 
 I'm sure that all of them distinguish T and F. 
 Ex 3 
 > After all, with your perspective, you would end up assuming
 Better:  "No. The point that [insert quotation] would imply that... 
 Ex 4 
 > this once again appears to be self-defeating; you, as an 
 > individual, are categorically asserting that... 
 Better:  "I disagree.  The claim [quotation] would imply..." 
 Ex 5 
 > The issue you are still ignoring is that... 
 Better:  "But note that..." 
 Ex 6 
 > And that seems to me an improvement over your previous
 This is a back-handed compliment, which implies that the previous 
 statements were bad or misinformed.   Since the writer has moved 
 away from that position, it's best to ignore the previous issues. 
 Just say "Yes. I agree." 
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