Edwina, list,


E wrote:

I agree and am puzzled by the strong effort of some to develop an isolate 
framework of the work of Peirce - a particular framework based around a purely 
intellectual outline of interactions and strict terminological definitions 
which in my opinion both utterly miss the basic point of Peircean semiosis - 
which is its capacity to analyze and explain the dynamic, adaptive, living 
infrastructure and processes of the real world. These abstract interactions and 
definitions have, so far, been unable to explain these processes of the real 

RE: I would formulate the goal not as looking for an explanation. For me, such 
an enterprise ought to aid in getting better immediate objects of the dynamical 
object that is being studied. Diagrams are excellent means to come to grips 
with complex systems by supporting and organizing the analysis, although it 
seems safe to assume they always will lag behind and are incomplete. It is an 
aid, not an answer.






Van: Edwina Taborsky <tabor...@primus.ca> 
Verzonden: zondag 17 februari 2019 15:44
Aan: Peirce-L <peirce-l@list.iupui.edu>; Gary Richmond <gary.richm...@gmail.com>
Onderwerp: Re: Re: [PEIRCE-L] was EGs and Phaneroscopy


Gary R wrote:

"At first blush, I would tend to agree with you, Auke, that there is no good 
reason to believe that Peirce "abandoned" "the three-category, ten-Sign 
taxonomy of 1903."  …

 … But, again, I see Peirce's work as evolving so that, and contra Tom Short 
for example, I don't see Peirce "abandoning" much at all. And when he finds 
himself as having clearly been in error, he tends to explicitly state that 
along with his corrected view (in years past I've offered several examples of 
this). Peirce is constantly experimenting; but, in my opinion, one needn't take 
an experiment late in his life as necessarily "abandoning" those undertaken 
earlier and the principles derived from them. "


I agree and am puzzled by the strong effort of some to develop an isolate 
framework of the work of Peirce - a particular framework based around a purely 
intellectual outline of interactions and strict terminological definitions 
which in my opinion both utterly miss the basic point of Peircean semiosis - 
which is its capacity to analyze and explain the dynamic, adaptive, living 
infrastructure and processes of the real world. These abstract interactions and 
definitions have, so far, been unable to explain these processes of the real 




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