Robert, List:

I realize that *in general* the same term "can be used without problem in a
field other than the one you are used to."  My question was really whether
there is any significance to the *specific* use of the same term,
"category," for 1ns/2ns/3ns by Peirce and for "a mathematical object" by
modern mathematicians.

I sincerely appreciate the additional attempt to explain below, but I am
afraid that I still cannot detect an answer despite reading it several
times, because it remains couched entirely in the unfamiliar vocabulary of
mathematical category theory--"morphism," "composition," "functor,"
"natural transformation," etc.  I do not have the requisite acquaintance
with that particular system of signs to interpret it successfully.

I am also still wondering if your analysis somehow logically *requires* the
order of the interpretant trichotomies to be Ii→Id→If, rather than the
other way around.


Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
Professional Engineer, Amateur Philosopher, Lutheran Layman -

On Thu, May 7, 2020 at 5:06 AM Robert Marty <>

> Jon Alan, Helmut, Edwina, List
>  JAS > "Unfortunately I am not adept enough with mathematical category
> theory to make heads or tails of Robert's exposition below.  It still seems
> to me that "category" means something quite different in that context than
> it does for Peirce when he is writing about 1ns, 2ns, and 3ns.  Am I
> wrong?  If so, I would appreciate some further explanation of how they
> relate to each other."
> RM > I'd love to. The term "category" can be used without problem in a
> field other than the one you are used to. In the category theory it refers
> to a mathematical object in the usual sense chosen by Peirce as" "a
> construction independent of its real existence". An industrial property law
> allows the same name to be used for products that are in very remote areas
> of the economy such as Corona for a beer or for a virus (which is not
> without danger, hence Covid-19!). You see the comparison ...😉
> Nb: I noted that you are a professional engineer; your training should
> allow you to understand the following where it is only definitions. No
> theorem, no specific technique; definitions, I stress that point.
> 1 -
> *Definition of category*
> There are many equivalent definitions of a category.[2]
> <> One
> commonly used definition is as follows. A *category* *C* consists of
> ·         a class <> ob(
> *C*) of *objects*
> ·         a class hom(*C*) of *morphisms
> <>*, or *arrows*, or *maps*,
> between the objects. Each morphism *f* has a *source object a* and a *target
> object b* where *a* and *b* are in ob(*C*). We write *f*: *a* → *b*, and
> we say "*f* is a morphism from *a* to *b*". We write hom(*a*, *b*) (or hom
> *C*(*a*, *b*) when there may be confusion about to which category hom(*a*,
> *b*) refers) to denote the *hom-class* of all morphisms from *a* to *b*.
> (Some authors write Mor(*a*, *b*) or simply *C*(*a*, *b*) instead.)
> ·         for every three objects *a*, *b* and *c*, a binary operation
> hom(*a*, *b*) × hom(*b*, *c*) → hom(*a*, *c*) called *composition of
> morphisms*; the composition of *f* : *a* → *b* and *g* : *b* → *c* is
> written as *g* ∘ *f* or *gf*. (Some authors use "diagrammatic order",
> writing *f;g* or *fg*.)
> such that the following axioms hold:
> ·         (associativity <>)
> if *f* : *a* → *b*, *g* : *b* → *c* and *h* : *c* → *d* then *h* ∘ (*g* ∘
> *f*) = (*h* ∘ *g*) ∘ *f*, and
> ·         (identity <>)
> for every object *x*, there exists a morphism 1*x* : *x* → *x* (some
> authors write *idx*) called the *identity morphism for x*, such that for
> every morphism *f* : *a* → *x* and every morphism *g* : *x* → *b*, we
> have 1*x* ∘ *f* = *f* and *g* ∘ 1*x* = *g*.
> From these axioms, one can prove that there is exactly one identity
> morphism for every object. Some authors use a slight variation of the
> definition in which each object is identified with the corresponding
> identity morphism.
> *( ! **) By extraordinary the example at the top right is interpretable
> with*
> A = 3ns ; B = 2ns ; C = 1ns ; f = involvesβ ; g = involvesα ; g o f = β o
> α ;  let's name C this category
> But also
> A = O ; B = S ;  C = I ; f = det1 ;  g = det2 ;  g o f = det2 o det1 ;
> let's name *D* this category
> *Remember these two interpretations, * *they will* *serve ....*
> 2 -
> *Definition** of functor*
> Let *C* and *D* be categories
> <>.
>  A *functor*  *F*  from *C* to *D* is a mapping that
> <,_def._1.2-3>
>  associates to each object X {\displaystyle X} X in *C* an object F ( X )
> {\displaystyle F(X)}  f(X) in *D*,
> ·        associates to each morphism f : X → Y {\displaystyle f\colon
> X\to Y} f : XàY in *C* a morphism F ( f ) : F ( X ) → F ( Y )
> {\displaystyle F(f)\colon F(X)\to F(Y)} f(X)àY in *D* such that the
> following two conditions hold: F ( i d X ) = i d F ( X ) {\displaystyle
> F(\mathrm {id} _{X})=\mathrm {id} _{F(X)}\,\!}
> ·        F(idX) = idF(X) for every object X {\displaystyle X} in *C*,F (
> g ∘ f ) = F ( g ) ∘ F ( f ) {\displaystyle F(g\circ f)=F(g)\circ F(f)}
> ·        F(g o f) = F(g) o F(f) for all morphisms f : X → Y
> {\displaystyle f\colon X\to Y\,\!} f ; XàY and g : Y → Z {\displaystyle
> g\colon Y\to Z} g : YàZ in *C*.
> That is, functors must preserve identity morphisms
> <> and composition
> <> of morphisms.
> __________________________
> *Exercise 1* 😉
> Build a functor  of *(C)*  in (*D)*).
> *Graphic Hint:* for this it is necessary to connect the elements of C to
> those of D by 3 arrows avoiding any intersection
> *Exercice 2*
> Build all the functors of *(C)*  in (*D*)
> *Answer: *there are exactly 10 funtors  (C*C*)  in (*D*)
> 3 –
> *Definition of natural transformation of functors*
> If F {\displaystyle F} F and G {\displaystyle G} G are functors
> <> between the categories *C
> {\displaystyle C}  C* and *D* D {\displaystyle D} , then a *natural
> transformation* η {\displaystyle \eta } µ from F {\displaystyle F}  F to G
> {\displaystyle G} G is a family of morphisms that satisfies two
> requirements.
> *3.1* - The natural transformation must associate, to every object X
> {\displaystyle X} X in *C {\displaystyle C} C* , a morphism
> <>
>  η X : F ( X ) → G ( X ) {\displaystyle \eta _{X}:F(X)\to G(X)} µX : F(X)
> à G(X)  between objects of *D {\displaystyle D} D*. The morphism η X : F
> ( X ) → G ( X ) {\displaystyle \eta _{X}:F(X)\to G(X)} µX  η X
> {\displaystyle \eta _{X}} is called the *component* of η {\displaystyle
> \eta } µ at X {\displaystyle X} X.
> *3.2-* Components must be such that for every morphism f : X → Y
> {\displaystyle f:X\to Y} f : XàY in *C {\displaystyle C} C *we have:
> µY o F(f) = G(f) o µXη Y ∘ F ( f ) = G ( f ) ∘ η X {\displaystyle \eta
> _{Y}\circ F(f)=G(f)\circ \eta _{X}}
> The last equation can conveniently be expressed by the commutative diagram
> <>
>          X                       F(X) ---------µX--------à G(X)
>          |                        |                                   |
>       f |                 F(f) |                                    | G(f)
>          v                        v                                   v
>          Y                      F(Y)---------- µY --------à  G(Y)
> *Nb*: *I am obliged to rewrite all the diagrams and even the letters that
> are images in Wikipedia and I put **µ** in place of "eta".*
> If µ η {\displaystyle \eta } is a natural transformation from F
> {\displaystyle F} to G {\displaystyle G} F to G, we also write µ : F àG η
> : F → G {\displaystyle \eta :F\to G}  η : F ⟹ G {\displaystyle \eta
> :F\implies G} .
> *Exercise* 3: Choose from the 10 functors found in Exercise 2 two
> functors for which there is a natural transformation.
> *Graphic Hint*: To do this, you have to link the elements of F to the
>  elements of G by 3 arrows, avoiding any intersection.
> *Exercice 4* : find all possible natural transformations and make sure
> they get the lattice of the sign classes!
> !
>                                      That all ! 😊
> Best regards,
> Robert
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