Jon, Michael, Edwina, Robert M, and Gary R,
Peirce's range of
interests, talents, and research was so broad that there is no single best
method for studying and interpreting his writings.  For different aspects
of his work, some methods are better than others.   But even for those
areas where one method may be dominant, other methods may also be
appropriate for certain aspects.
For these reasons, what triggered
this thread is not what Jon wrote, but what Gary R wrote.    As moderator,
he's supposed to moderate.  He has the right to state his opinions about
any issue.,   But when he made a blanket statement about my competence,
that was out of bounds. 
There are some areas for which Peirce
depended very heavily on math and logic.  The four volumes of NEM are
prime examples.  But there are also many topics in CP, EP, and W for which
mathematics is essential for understanding the nuances.  For topics that
touch on those areas, someone who is not attentive to the mathematical
issues may be misled.  When I read comments that ignore those issues, I
say so.
Re principle of charity:  That is necessary for interpreting
philosophers who are not able to speak for themselves -- either because
they are dead or merely because they are not present in the discussion. 
But if they are present, they can speak for themselves about any
I've known Gary R for years, and we've always
been  quite friendly.  But I also know that Gary is not a mathemtician,
and he has a tendency to downplay the influence of mathematics on Peirce's
philosophy.  I would not object to some criticism of  an issue in which I
emphasize the importance of mathematics and formal logic.  I would  then
accept the burden of proof to show that math is indeed important for that
particular topic.  I've done that in some cases, and I'll continue to do

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