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 JAS - and this is getting ridiculous. But - you who openly
self-defines yourself as very particular about exact references -
'selected' from what I wrote - which thereby changed the meaning -
and declared that I wrote:

        1] "  theorizing is "an irrelevant exercise" undertaken only by
people who "prefer the isolation and comfort of what [she calls] 'the
seminar room' "

        But I did not say the above.

        I never said: 'theorizing is an irrelevant exercise'. I said "if one
substitutes one 'name/term' for another - that is an irrelevant
exercise'.  Substitution of terms is not theorizing - so - why did
you change my words? Why did you remove 'substitutes' and insert

        2] Nor did I say that theorizing is " undertaken only by people who
"prefer the isolation and comfort of what [she calls] 'the seminar
room' .  Where did I say this???

        Nor did I say that I was against theorizing. What I wrote was:

        "As for diagrams and models - formulas and terms - I'm not arguing
against them. I'm asking - can they be applied to real situations in
the actual world - to explain this real world? 

        As for asking others to provide examples - I've done so repeatedly,
and have found that most prefer the isolation and comfort of what I
call 'the seminar room' - ie, discussions around terms and
models...far, far, far from the real empirical objective world."

        3] I see nothing wrong, as a researcher, with asking whether a
theory can be applied, functionally, to explain the real world. 

        But I do see something wrong - on the basis of not only charity but
integrity - with changing the words someone writes, with leaving out
phrases, with putting in other words and phrases - to incorrectly
present someone's comments. Why did you do this?

 On Thu 14/05/20  4:58 PM , Jon Alan Schmidt
 Edwina, List:
 ET:  You are misinterpreting what I said and writing misleading
comments about it. 
 Another pot is calling another kettle black, except that I provided
links to the specific posts that I quoted so that others could see
the complete contexts for themselves.  That is precisely why I always
include the CP/EP/NEM/R citation and year of composition with
everything that I quote from Peirce. 
 ET:  Here's the quote from me that you used - you selected only a
few phrases and left out the totality. Why did you do so?
 Again, I provided links to the original posts and  only quoted the
portions that I considered to be especially inappropriate.  Why fill
up an e-mail with lengthy excerpts?
 ET:  I specifically have said that what I am against is when people
don't provide us with how these theories can be applied to explain
actual situations in the real world. That's a HUGE difference from
your assertion that I am against theories or theorizing. 
 First, where did I make any such assertion?  Specific examples,
 Second, I fail to see the allegedly "HUGE difference" here.  It sure
sounds to me like a demand that any and all theorizing must include
"how these theories can be applied to explain actual situations in
the real world." 
Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USAProfessional Engineer, Amateur
Philosopher, Lutheran [1] - [2]
 On Thu, May 14, 2020 at 3:15 PM Edwina Taborsky  wrote:

        You are misinterpreting what I said and writing misleading comments
about it. 

        I didn't say that I was against theory: What I said was that I was
against their isolation from the real world. You constantly ignore
this fact and present a false image of me.  Here's the quote from me
that you used - you selected only a few phrases and left out the
totality. Why did you do so? 
        EDWINA" "As for diagrams and models - formulas and terms - I'm not
arguing against them. I'm asking - can they be applied to real
situations in the actual world - to explain this real world? 

        As for asking others to provide examples - I've done so repeatedly,
and have found that most prefer the isolation and comfort of what I
call 'the seminar room' - ie, discussions around terms and
models...far, far, far from the real empirical objective world." 


        My comments above are very different from your statement that I am
against theories and theorizing;  

        My comments do NOT say - as you rewrite them -  that I consider that
 theorizing is "an irrelevant exercise" undertaken only by people who
"prefer the isolation and comfort of what [she calls] 'the seminar

        Why do you write that I said this? I said that I am NOT AGAINST
theories or theorizing. I did not say that I consider that theorizing
is 'undertaken only by people'...etc. ..Read what I wrote - and please
stop picking out bits and pieces and making my meaning completely

         I specifically have said that what I am against is when people
don't provide us with how these theories can be applied to explain
actual situations in the real world. That's a HUGE difference from
your assertion that I am against theories or theorizing. It baffles
me why you stick so tenaciously to such a misinterpretation - despite
my actual words!


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