Gary R,

You wrote:

>     Nevertheless, your other points are well-taken. Even in speculative 
> grammar, Peirce replaces qualisign/sinsign/legisign (1903) with 
> tone/token/type (1906-1908) and experiments further with alternatives for 
> "tone." However, most of that is in unpublished manuscripts and personal 
> letters, so it seems harsh to criticize him as violating his own ethics of 
> terminology where he is not deliberately writing for the wider scientific 
> community. In our current context, I fully agree that we are each making 
> "good faith attempts to arrive at a terminology we can serviceably use in 
> discussing Peirce's phaneroscopic practice."
>     Udell.


The experimentation with different terms pertaining to the sigfn regarded in 
itself has nothing to do with ethics of tewrminology or wider audience. It is a 
justified differentiation of different perspectives on the same joint in the 
proces of semiosis. 


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