
> On Aug 24, 2021, at 11:39 AM, 
> On the contrary, André is explicitly discussing phaneroscopy, not semeiotic.

This sentence is a remarkable example of how emotional rhetorical thrusts 
generate the thoughts  that make no sense in the language of CSP.

Units of thoughts have units of meaning.   These two concepts are inseparable.

In the engineering sciences, especially the epistemology and ontology of 
pragmatic necessities, the connections between phaneroscopy and semiotics are 
essential to ethical actions.

The graphic diagrams that illustrate the iconic forms of engineering work 
connect, necessarily, the semeiotic with the phaneroscopy. Indeed, the 
connections of symbols with the indices of the diagrams derived from semiotic 
and phaneroscopy could be a central thesis of engineering sciences. 


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