Robert, List:

Indeed, Peirce likely wrote R 602 no earlier than 1904 since it uses his
new name "phaneroscopy" for the distinct science in question, mainly to
distinguish it from Hegel's "phenomenology." Its contents appear to be
fully consistent with his mature classification, including the dependence
of phaneroscopy on mathematics for principles.

Moreover, just as "phaneroscopic research requires a previous study of
mathematics," likewise "in order successfully to prosecute the study of
logic, we ought to prepare the ground by a preliminary study of ethics in
general" (R 602:8-9). Again, this is a major revision of the early
classifications in R 1345, which situate ethics as the first branch of
pragmatics--below not only logic, but also metaphysics and all the special
sciences as the branches of empirics.


Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
Structural Engineer, Synechist Philosopher, Lutheran Christian -

On Mon, Oct 25, 2021 at 10:15 AM robert marty <>

> Jon Alan, List
> Jon Alan, perhaps this classification - which I extract from MS 602 - will
> leave you less perplexed. First, because of its date (1902-1908 according
> to Robin, 16 p.), and second, because of the extreme accuracy and clarity
> of its exposition. I have not finished examining all of them, but for the
> moment, this one is the best I have come across. But I have no doubt that
> your extreme rigor of thought will find at least one asperity to catch some
> powerful criticism, because that is how science works .... I add as an
> attachment my transcription of the whole MS.
> ....................................................................................................................................
> ...................................................beginning of the quote
> .............................................................................................................................................................................
> MS0602_012
> [M 12] [ ...] But preliminary to normative sciences, which is essentially
> *classificatory,* -stop to take that well in, I beg you, gentle reader,
> there should be a *nomological* science , which shall make out all the
> different indecomposable elements which enter into everything that is
> conceivably possible, discriminates them with care, and shows how can be
> varied and combined. This science I hesitate to call phenomenology  after
> Hegel, for fear of marring his peculiar conception of it; and therefore ,
> though  I think it is essentially the same thing under a somewhat
> different aspect, I will name *Phaneroscopy*. It is the science of the
> different elementary constituents of all ideas. Its material
> MS0602_013
> [M 13] is, of course, universal experience, -experience I mean of the
> fanciful and the abstract, as well as of the concrete and real. Yet to
> suppose that in such experience the elements were to be found already
> separate would be to suppose unimaginable and selfcontradictory. They must
> be separated by a process of thought that cannot be summoned up Hegel-wise
> on demand. They must be picked out of the fragments that necessary
> reasonings scatter;* and therefore it is that phaneroscopic research
> requires a previous study of mathematics*. [emphasize mine]
> With this remark our ladder of the sciences is completed and may be
> exhibited in tabula form as follows:
> MS0602_014
> *                    MATHEMATICS*
> *                  CENOSCOPY*
> *                           Phaneroscopy*
> *                           Normative Science *
> *                                    Esthetics*
> *                                    Ethics *
> *                                    Logic*
> *                          Metaphysics*
> *                   IDIOSCOPY*
>                           Physiognosy
> Psychognosy
>                       Nomology                                   Nomology
> MS0602_015
> [M 15]                  Dynamics
>                                   General Psychology
>                              Molar Physics
>                                    Gravitation
>                              Molecular Physics
>                                    Elaterics; Crystallography
>                             Etherial Physics
>                                    Optics
>                                    Electrics
>                         Classificatory Science
>                                  Classificatory Science
>                                    Chemistry
>                                                              Special
> Psychology
> Biology
> Linguistics
>                                       Physiology
>                                       Anatomy
>                                           Ethnology
>                             Explanatory Descriptive Science
>          Explanatory Descriptive Science
>                               Astronomy
>               [Archeology
> Geognosy
> [Criticism
>                             Geology
> History
>        Geography
> Biography
> ..........................................................................End
> of quote
> ............................................................................................
> I think you have noted that phaneroscopy is well present in this
> classification; moreover, its definition leaves no doubt about Hegel's
> phenomenology.
> Regards,
> Robert Marty
> Honorary Professor ; PhD Mathematics ; PhD Philosophy
> * <>*
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