
> On Oct 25, 2021, at 10:14 AM, robert marty <> wrote:
> (Cited as from MS0602_012)
> ...there should be a nomological science , which shall make out all the 
> different indecomposable elements which enter into everything that is 
> conceivably possible, discriminates them with care, and shows how can be 
> varied and combined.

This sentence has little or any meaning to the iconic, indexical or symbolic 
forms of mathematics or physics, but fits the compositions of logical elements 
into unbounded numbers of unique compounds (such as the careful discrimination 
needed to identify handedness (optical isomers)!)  Does the "enter into 
everything" quote refer to the Table of Elements?  How dark a shadow does this 
citation cast on the role of mathematics in phaneroscopy? 

It is possible that the (ethical?) “should” refers to a nomological science 
that relates to the relations between sin-signs and legi-signs?

It is possible that such a nomological science would be interdependent with the 
numerical calculations that relate the propositions of rhema, dici-signs and 
arguments such that coherent truths are generated from the correspondences 
between quali-signs, iconic forms, numerical indices?

These two possible assertions are consistence with the coherence of the 
sin-signs of natural sorts and kinds in both the 2 nd half of the 19 th Century 
and in the third decade of the 21 th Century.

Robert, the question to you is, if you remained interested in exploring 
Peircian mathematics is: what is the quantitation of your models of lattices 
such that a nomological sciences of numbers corresponds with natural sorts and 

In other words, how is it possible to compose the factors of a polynomial index 
of elements into an exact symbolic legi-sign?

After all, this is the central thesis of the trichotomy - with both hypo-theses 
and hyper-theses . 

As I have previously asserted, I believe that the polynomial index of logical 
factors as well as a symbolic obligatory logic is essential to such a 
nomological science, such as the perplex numbers in relation to the 
compositions of organic mathematical symbols.

I will close by expressing a revealing but abstractly-encoded tease. Beware of 

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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