Here is an article that I scanned some time ago, it was written by Andre de Tienne:

the first page is missing, but I think than anyone interested in signs and in triadic relations should read it.

to summarize: being a 'first', 'second' or 'third' within a genuine triadic relation (like in S, O, I) is a role, a function that the elements have with respect to one another (i.e. being something, being something else, being something that mediate between the other two elements), it is not a property attached to the sign, the object or the interpretant forever. The order of the elements (1, 2, 3) are like ordinal labels: they can change roles, because their function changes depending on how the relation is being analysed.

as a consequence the object and the interpretant too can mediate between the other two elements of the relation.

here are some excepts:

"... The function of a given element can vary, depending on the perspective taken in the analysis of the triad. It can thus happen that an element that was considered as a third from a certain perspective A, will be considered as a second or a first from a different perspective B or C. This is possible because the elements are not considered in their categorial hierarchy, but in their functional identity. I will soon draw extensively on this important feature.In the third place, Peirce makes in his theory of the categories the crucial"

"Peirce's favorite word to characterize thirdness is mediation. A third is a medium between a first and a second. If each of the correlates of a genuine triad is a third, that means that each of them is something that mediates between the other two correlates. This much granted, let us examine in this light the triadic sign. Peirce's general definition of the sign is that which stands for an object to an interpretant. What we have here are the three terms of a purportedly genuine triad: sign, object and interpretant. Each is a third - each can thus be viewed as a mediating term."

Please read it, Gary, Ben & co maybe it will provide you with some valuable information.


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