Joseph Ransdell a ��crit :


The only thing that presently interests me about Ben's thesis about verification concerns it as a claim made about taking it into account in the basic category theory. When you broaden it to being about experimenal procedure instead that broadens it quite beyond my concern.

OK. I will try to answer Ben on the categorial aspect of the matter further. However my point was precisely that in order to don't throw too roughly verification into a category of its own, it is necessary to put it into its proper context. This context is I think the scientific method and in the same way as nobody would make of -say- the effects of a conception a category of its own, the same goes for verification. But there is something in Ben's argumentation that deserves interest, namely the role of recognition and experience in the flow of living signs as well as their involvement in the basic theory of signs. In short, I think that if the solution of the collateral experience does not consist in the invention of a new category, yet the problem remains.

In a sense your response below (see after my message) shows that either you consider the problem as being concerned by the communication theory properties of scientific exchanges or you consider it as not being a problem at all. I strongly agree with you on the fundamental role of trust in recognition (and I read trust as Firstness: something which is as it is without needing anything else). The reason is that since "all evolution of thought is dialogical" a precondition for the dialogue can take place is trust. I often muse over the following passage from Peirce, which I think says just the same concerning the dialogue of our reason with the universe: " Our Reason is akin to the Reason that governs the universe, we must assume that or despair of finding out anything. Now despair is always illogical, and we are warranted in thinking so, since otherwise all reasoning will be in vain" (NEM, Vol 3). In other words we can trust a familiarity, affinity of our reason with the world, and this trust is logical Peirce adds. The same goes for argumentation.

Now the fact that the dialogue is supported by trust, the fact that as you are saying there is a normal presumption of credibility in human communication, does not give an account of the ways in which the dialogue itself develops: it is just a prerequisite for the dialogue to take place. Collateral experience is a dialogue between two signs: a sign of an object for an interpretant on the one side and another sign (which is nothing but the previous interpretant) of the SAME object on the other side. I say "another sign" because experience, as thought, is in signs [To Ben's attention: you are probably familiar with second order cybernetics as stated by von Foerster that made a special status for the system's observer. I believed this theory for a long time but one of the main lessons I have learned from Peirce is that there is no such special thing as the observer or the recognizant: they just are signs like other signs]. So we have two triads both under an actualized form. Starting from this several directions are possible: - stating that we have two communicating triads, which tends to make the problem fit into an independant theory of communication (independant from sign theory). It seems to be the way that Joe is suggesting but it seems to me that it lets open the question of how two signs can have the SAME object in common. Peirce did not address directly this question as far as I know but I think that he considered that this sameness was part of the sign definition (straight away from the New-List), so it is a part consubstantial with the logical doctrine of signs and not a part of an independant communication theory. -stating that two triads, it is one in surplus, and thus that's not the right amount. This is how I understand Ben's proposal of a special figure with fourthness. It seems to me that it has in common with the previous position the weakness of making the sign's theory within its triadic character some provisional construct. Ben throws it on the fire. -sure I would prefer a third way :-) two triads can enter within another triad the role of which would be to unify the critical theory of signs with the rhetorical or methodeutical one. Peirce did not achieve that but it is not a reason for trying something like that.


I should say, though, that I think that verification in science is motivated in the same say as in ordinary life, namely, by the occurrence of a real question being at least pertinent or justifiable if not actually raised about a given claim made. In practice, scientists tend to accept research claims made by those they regard as peers as unquestioningly as one does in ordinary life in regards to claims made by ordinary life peers. Huaan relationships depend importantly on this: someone who thinks that everything anyone else says is questionable prima facie is living in hell (which, unfortunately, does indeed occur all too frequently in human life, as the daily news testifies). Peirce's brief discussion of "credenciveness" in the New Elements paper (in Essential Writings 2) is very suggestive in this respect, and I note that Peirce is responsible for the definition of "credencive" in the Century Dictionary, though I can't check up on that right at the moment while in process of composing this message. But, to put the point in brief, I think Peirce reognizes the fundamental importance of there being a normal presumption of credibility in human communication: the recognition of the speech acts of assertion, statement making, etc., is a theoretical understanding of that pre-theoretical practice in daily life and in science as well. It is a recognition of the fundamental role of trust.

Joe Ransdell
----- Original Message ----
From: Bernard Morand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Peirce Discussion Forum <>
Sent: Friday, September 1, 2006 5:48:29 AM
Subject: [peirce-l] Re: The "composite photograph" metaphor

Ben, Gary, Joe, Charles and list

I followed the discussion about verification with interest and while
I don't think that the question of verification calls for a fourth category,
some arguments from Ben deserve to be  studied carefully.  As an
example I will take  a passage out of the last reply from Joe, a short
extract in order to limit the subject to one point that I think to be important.

Joe writes :

"Scientific verification is really just a
sophistication about ways of checking up on something
about which one has some doubts, driven by an
unusually strong concern for establishing something as
"definitively" as possible, which is of course nothing
more than an ideal of checking up on something so
thoroughly that no real question about it will ever be
raised again.    But it is no different in principle
from what we do in ordinary life when we try to "make
sure" of something that we think might be so but about
which we are not certain enough to satisfy us."

It seems to me that the Peirce's quote given by Ben makes clear that scientific "verification" is NOT the same as checking something in ordinary life as Joe puts it. I reproduce a fragment of the quote :

Mr. George Henry Lewes in his work on Aristotle(1)
seems to me to have come pretty near to stating the
true cause of the success of modern science
when he
has said that it was *_verification_*. I should
express it in this way: modern students of science
have been successful because they have spent their
lives not in their libraries and museums but in their
laboratories and in the field; and while in their
laboratories and in the field they have been not
gazing on nature with a vacant eye, that is, in
passive perception unassisted by thought, but have
been *_observing_* -- that is, perceiving by the aid
of analysis -- and testing suggestions of theories.
The cause of their success has been that the motive
which has carried them to the laboratory and the field
has been a craving to know how things really were, and
an interest in finding out whether or not general
propositions actually held good -- which has
overbalanced all prejudice, all vanity, and all
passion. (CP 1.34)

The main differences are:
- the originator of the verification: according to Joe,

an individual being doubting of something ; according to Peirce a group of students motivated by a desire to know. Doubt isn't an essential part of the verification motive in science. - the goal of the verification: the fact that no real question will be raised again on the subject according to Joe ; wether or not a GENERAL proposition ACTUALLY holds good with regards to a PARTICULAR fact according to Peirce - the means of the verification: our own satisfaction (I suppose) according to Joe ; observation ("perception by the aid of analysis") for Peirce. In scientific "verification" we take advantage of theories to be tested. Is there the same, or some equivalent in ordinary life conduct? I don't know but perhaps psychologists could answer. However I don't see why it would be required that the same goes for ordinary life conduct and scientific activity.
In fact "verification" is the word borrowed by
Peirce from G.H. Lewes here but I think that we would better say today "experimental method" of which the strict verification is but one little stage. As already said it requires what Peirce calls a general proposition and what we would call today a "model" or a theory and what is ascertained with the help of the method is an actuality. Hence the verification step needs reiterations on several cases in order to calculate the probability that they fall under the general law. In turn these reiterations call for protocol definitions as well as tools and instruments for observing. A large part of the progress of science is owed to the improvement of these instruments. The word "experimental" is itself subject to a large spectrum of interpretations from empirism to a mere mondane consequence of some theory. However we dispose of a more precise equivalent, at least on this list: the pragmatist method So it seems to me that it is only by restricting the subject to the verification step that it can appear as a matter of ordinary life. I wonder whether this very restriction is not also the mistake of Popper when he ends with turning verification into falsification. But Charles is certainly better informed than me on this.



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