On Wed, 04 Apr 2001 14:06:40 -0700 Michael Pugliese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>    James, can you give Dave and Adam, two neo-Trotskyists, a brief 
> summary
> of Oleachea and Godena?

Adolfo Olaechea is a Peruvian exile living in London where I believe
he owns and operates a company that does translation work. He is married
to an
English woman.  He has long been noted as a vocal apologist
for the PCP (aka the Shining Path), and became well known
in British journalistic circles as a readily quotable source of
info on the PCP.  More recently he has been along with
Louis Godena in charge of an organization called JUSTIN
(http://members.nbci.com/justinusa/which) seems to feature occasional 
meetings and conferences
at the House of Lords on human rights issues in relation to his
favorite causes (primarily Peruvian revolution and the Maoist
uprising in Nepal).

Louis Godena lives in Rhode Island, and he works for General
Motors as a   millwright.  He is a Vietnam vet, and apparently remains
active in a Maoist influenced faction of the Vietnam Veterans
Against the War.  He is a former member of the CPUSA, from
which he was apparently expelled on account of his Maoist politics.
Godena was a graduate student in anthropology at Harvard but
apparently never took a degree there.  He used to live in Massachusetts
and ran for Congress once or twice on third party tickets in the early
'90s.  More recently he has been the moderator of the e-mail
lists Marxism-International and Marxism-and-Sciences both of which
were originally hosted by the Spoon Collective at the University
of Virginia but which were subsequently spun off by them,
so that Godena became the sole proprietor of both lists.

Both Godena & Olaechea are politically Maoists.  Godena seems
to be philosophically some sort of a Nietzchean Marxist.  In the past
when Marxism-International was still under the auspices of
the Spoon Collective, it was a large and lively list and Godena
often wrote erudite essays for it on various topics such as
Chinese economic development for instance.  Later,
when he became the list owner, he and Olaechea
began to enforce the narrowest sectarianism on the
list, thereby reducing to a shadow of its former self.
Louis Proyect back in 1998 then founded his own
list (http://www.marxmail.org) which inherited many of
the former members of Marxism-International who
had either been expelled from the list or who had left in

Jim F.

> Michael
> http://www.google.com/search?q=Adolfo+Oleachea+&btnG=Google+Search

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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Carrol Cox" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 12:46 PM
Subject: [PEN-L:12028] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Eurocentrism once again

> Jim Devine wrote:
> > 
> >[clip]
> > 
> > Louis quotes:
> > >"[clip]"
> > 
> > and explains:
> > >[clip] as my old friend Adolfo Olaechea used to say.
> > 
> > is [clip] Louis will have to present a more serious argument. It
> > has to be more than "Brenner disagrees . . . my heroes, therefore
> > he's wrong."
> > 
> Lou is being humorous in his reference to Olaechea, a wild man and an
> idiot, who would never be allowed to post on any list Lou moderated. I
> presume this joke is Lou's way of gracefully retreating.
> When Olaechea first appeared on the old Spoons marxism list I was
> convinced that he was a hoax, an invention by some clumsy satirist
> trying to mock Maoism. But apparently he was for real!
> Carrol

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