Don't expect revolutionary changes, but do expect a significant progressive
shift.  Many of Bush's judicial nominations will now die in committee where
they would have moved forward.  Jeffords will take over the Environment
committee where most of Bush's anti-environment energy bill will die a happy

And popular bills that the GOP have blocked coming to the floor- such as
minimum wage increases, a prescription drugs benefit for Medicare, and a
patient bill of rights bill - will come to a vote and pass the Senate,
putting political pressure on the House to pass them as well.

Conservative Dems like Zell Miller and Ben Nelson will still throw many
votes to the GOP, but the shift in agenda will highlight why it does matter
which party is in control, not for revolution - since that is made at the
grassroots not inside the Beltway - but for the legislative reforms that
benefit people day-to-day.

Nathan Newman

----- Original Message -----
From: "ravi narayan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2001 10:22 AM
Subject: [PEN-L:12098] Sen. Jefferts leaves Republican party

didnt see a post on this so far, and for those who may not yet
have heard: sen. jefferts of vermont has left the republican
party, as predicted, as outlined in his press conference this
morning. of particular interest is that he slammed bush's
education policy. this of course gives the democrats the
senate majority. expect great revolutionary changes and the
common good of the people to finally emerge ;-)


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