If anyone has any references on the relationship between inequality and
'social dysfunction' in the USA (and Australia?), I would be most grateful.
Also the dynamic relationship between inequality and growth. I know the list
has touched on the latter before, but my filing system is not the best!
In case you haven't guessed, it is research grant application time here Down
Thanks in anticipation.
Martin Watts

Stephen E Philion wrote:

> A series of letters written in response to the "Why Decry Wealth" article
> published in the NYT two days ago:
> January 26, 2000
> When the Rich Get Even Richer
>        ______________________________________________________________
>    To the Editor:
>    W. Michael Cox and Richard Alm ask, "Why Decry the Wealth Gap?"
>    (Op-Ed, Jan. 24).
>    First, inequality is correlated with political instability, one of the
>    strongest findings of cross-national research. Second, inequality is
>    correlated with violent crime. Third, economic inequality is
>    correlated with reduced life expectancy, shown by a large and growing
>    body of public health research.
>    A fourth reason? Simple justice. There is no moral justification for
>    chief executives' being paid hundreds of times more than ordinary
>    employees. Social policies that reduce inequality, like progressive
>    taxation and living wages, should be strengthened and expanded for the
>    health and well-being of those not at the top of the pyramid.
>    Ogden, Utah, Jan. 24, 2000
>    The writer is an assistant professor of sociology, Weber State
>    University.
>      *
>    To the Editor:
>    Re "Why Decry the Wealth Gap?" (Op-Ed, Jan. 24): Americans need to
>    make a public choice about the standard of living that we believe the
>    least among us should enjoy.
>    We should be able to reach a consensus -- rough and fractious, to be
>    sure -- on minimal acceptable levels for housing, nutrition, health
>    care, education and other essentials.
>    Most of us will live well above those basic standards, and that likely
>    reflects personal qualities and good fortune rather than injustice.
>    We can also pursue voluntary actions and public policies to make sure
>    that our neighbors remain part of the community by not dropping below
>    those minimal levels.
>    New York, Jan. 24, 2000
>    The writer is a professor of public affairs at Baruch College, CUNY.
>      *
>    To the Editor:
>    W. Michael Cox and Richard Alm (Op-Ed, Jan. 24) assert that artificial
>    efforts to curb inequality do more harm than good and that Americans
>    ought to care more about growth than inequality. But this overlooks
>    the fact that people of wealth and privilege are in a position to pass
>    great advantages on to their children, while the children of the poor,
>    lacking in resources, fall further behind.
>    Would Mr. Cox and Mr. Alm consider Social Security an "artificial"
>    attempt to curb inequality? It is one of America's most successful and
>    popular programs. Do they think more good would be done by eliminating
>    it?
>    One by-product of economic inequality is its debilitating effect on
>    social cohesion. Studies show that states and nations with great
>    inequality often have reduced levels of social involvement and trust.
>    These, in turn, are correlated with higher rates of illness and death.
>    Upper Montclair, N.J., Jan. 24, 2000
>    The writer is coordinator of the Institute for Community Studies,
>    Montclair State University.
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Martin Watts
Centre of Full Employment and Equity (CofFEE)
Department of Economics
University of Newcastle
New South Wales 2308
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