I don't see the need to stereotype religious people. In my experience their
political believes and practice varies as much as those of non-believers. Yes
there are religious fascists, but there are atheists fascists as well.


> it is indeed true that religious folks do a lot of "useful" things. the
> last time I was in Turkey, they were subjecting girls to virginity tests
> in local high schools in case there was a complaint from their parents
> about the sexual dignity of their daughters..
> in other times, they created a transportation system in municipalities,
> somewhere in remote places of Anotolia, that was gender segregated. Their
> justification was the protection of women's bodies from male contact.
> very humanitarian aid infact!
> are your catholic folks progressive enough when it comes to gender
> issues? just crucious to know...
> Mine
> Jim Devine wrote:
> >working at a religious-oriented institution (a Jesuit-Marymount college),
> >I
> >know that religious folks do a lot of good work

Rod Hay
The History of Economic Thought Archive
Batoche Books
52 Eby Street South
Kitchener, Ontario
N2G 3L1

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