Ted Winslow:
>The best critical discussions of scientific materialism in relation to 20th
>century developments in science that I know are Whitehead's e.g. Science and
>the Modern World.  He elaborates an alternative ontological foundation for
>science that allows consistently for internal relations, self-determination
>and final causation. Marx's materialism does the same thing, in my judgment.

Interesting. This is the first attempt I've seen on or off the Internet to
make an amalgam between Marx and Whitehead outside of David Harvey's
"Justice, Nature and the Geography of Difference". I wrote a detailed
rebuttal that was rejected by Jim O'Connor, who like most modern Marxists
has little use for Marx's rather strong materialist convictions. As it
turns out, John Bellamy Foster's latest book Marx's Ecology puts forward a
defense of materialism that is unlike any I've seen in recent years outside
of Timpanaro. I, of course, agree with John completely and will have more
to say in a detailed review of his book.

Louis Proyect

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