>>> Jim Devine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 05/19/00 05:05PM >>>

>CB: So many here are  holier than them Soviets.

I've never sent a bunch of troops to suppress the beginnings of democracy 
in Czechoslovakia. 


CB: Democracy "began" when there when the Nazis were removed by the Red Army.


In fact, I've never killed _anyone_. So I guess that I'm 
holier than the Soviets, though not necessarily holier than thou.


CB: All the Soviets killed someone ? Even the art commisars all killed someone ?  
Where's the evidence ? I bet the vast majority of Soviets either did not kill anyone 
or those  who killed someone did so in heroic self-defense of the country in the wars.

I think you have an exaggerated notion of Soviets who killed.


BTW, it's wrong to blame "the Soviets." After all, it was only the top 
leadership of the state-party bureaucracy that made the decisions to roll 
the tanks in 1968.


CB: Rolling the tanks into Czech in 1968 does not make you holier than them.   

There are crimes of commission and crimes of commission. Those who have done nothing 
are not innocent.


The people were not to blame, since they didn't choose 
that leadership. 


CB: None of them chose that leadership ? Rather overstated. 


(As Nathan might argue, we in the US are _more_ 
responsible for crimes like this (e.g., the recent terror-bombing of 
Serbia) because we have a bit more say about who are our leaders are than 
the Soviets did. Of course, Nathan would disagree about the parenthetical 
example I chose.)


CB: Speak for yourself. I don't have more of a say about who my leaders are than the 
Soviets did. They limit my "choices" to all I people I don't want. That means I have 
ZERO say.

That you think you have more of a choice means the U.S. bourgeoisie have fooled you. 
You buy that the U.S. election system is somewhat still democratic. You've  bought the 
bourgeois propaganda that this is the Free World. False.

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