Eric wrote:
>In short, distaste for rock-and-roll might be intimately linked to the
>revoluationary vanguard that takes over the state "in the name of the
>capitalist masses."

making another link, this is straight out of Rousseau, who saw the masses 
as corrupted and thus hoped that an enlightened Legislator would impose his 
ideal social contract. This imposition included cultural censorship.

BTW, Rousseau's censorship (and other obnoxious activities, like the 
creation of an official civic religion) is similar to Plato's conceptions 
in the REPUBLIC, except what Plato wanted only for the elite Guardians, R 
wanted for everyone.

I think that there's a link between philosophical idealism -- e.g., Plato, 
Rousseau, the Walrasianism of the IMF and other neoliberal forces, and 
Stalin's idealist version of "diamat" and "histomat" -- and imposition on 
others from above.


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