

               1998 Socialist Scholars Conference
                           March 20-22

"A World to Win:
to New Organizing for Socialist Change"


     The sixteenth annual Socialist Scholars Conference will be
held at Borough of Manhattan Community College, 199 Chambers
Street in downtown Manhattan from March 20 to 22, 1998.  The
theme of the Conference is "A World to Win: From the MANIFESTO to
New Organizing for Socialist Change."  One hundred and fifty
years after the "Communist Manifesto" first appeared the call for
"workers of all countries, unite" is as compelling as ever.  The
unparalleled strength of capital along with the concomitant rise
in inequality, insecurity, and environmental degradation demands
a response.

     The aim of the Conference is modest: we would like to
reintroduce organizing into the socialist project.  The recent
Teamster victory in the U.P.S. strike illustrates the efficacy of
rank and file organizing: educating, agitating, and persuading. 
Yet, in this increasingly fragmented and complex world where
virtual communities supplant face-to-face communication, where
membership implies no commitment, organizing is a radical act.

     Organizing is NOT simply a question of technique.  Whom we
organize and for what shapes how we organize.  Can socialists
build solidarity around universal interests, and which ones?  Are
particular identities -- class, race, gender, generation, and
nation -- mutually supportive or antagonistic to building a
better world?  What sorts of organizations lend themselves to
political independence?  Who are our allies, our adversaries? 
How do we organize in a globalized economy and culture?

     Two anniversaries will be important components of this
year's Conference: the one hundred and fifty years since the
birth of the COMMUNIST MANIFESTO, and the thirty years since the
events of 1968 -- the Prague Spring, Paris, Chicago, the
Tlatelolco Massacre.

     Join us as we discuss and debate strategies and tactics for
socialist change.  Learn from those who are struggling against
domination, both here and abroad.  Share your successes.  Ask
hard questions about failure.  Help sustain a culture of
communication and activism.

     Last year 1800 activists, scholars, socialists, and radical
democrats from more than a dozen countries met for a weekend of
dialogue and debate.  At more than 120 panels, speakers and
participants exchanged ideas, honed tactics, and discovered new
ways to look at old problems.

     The Socialist Scholars Conference is a great place to renew
old acquaintances, meet new comrades, and share ideas.  We hope
to see you there!


When:          6:00 PM Friday March 20 to 6:00 PM Sunday March
               22, 1998
               Conference material will be available only at the

Where:         Borough of Manhattan Community College
               199 Chambers Street
               New York City

Cost:          Pre-registration (postmarked by March 6, 1998)

          Regular Income      $30
          Low Income          $20
          Undergraduate/HS     $8
          One Day             $15

          On-site Registration

          Regular Income      $45
          Low Income          $30
          Undergraduate/HS     $8
          One Day             $20

Checks should be made payable to:

          Socialist Scholars Conference
          c/o Sociology, CUNY Graduate Center
          33 West 42nd Street
          New York, NY  10036

For further information look for our web page at:


write to the above address, or call (212) 642-2826, or email us






City:____________________  State:______  Zip:________

Amount Enclosed:__________

For one day admission, which day?   Fri:____   Sat:____   Sun:___

Return registrations with payment to:

     Socialist Scholars Conference,
     c/o Sociology/GSUC
     33 West 42nd Street
     New York, NY  10036-8099.

Early registrations must be postmarked by March 6, 1998. 
Registration material to be picked up at the door.

     The majority of panels each year are put together by
participants and not the organizers.  Here is your chance to
combine theory and practice. Write to us for further details.

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