Apologies to all you non-USers - and maybe a few USers too - who don't
share the present obsession with Tailgate.

Concerning Maggie's suggestion that this is all a Billary plot to discredit
Ken Starr - it may be attributing a bit too much PR skill to them to think
they planned it, but the poll numbers seem to be spinning their way. From
another list...

>Date: Thu, 29 Jan 1998 10:28:47 -0600
>Subject: RE: Current news reports on Public Opinion towards Clinton -Reply
>In response to your question about polling on Kenneth Starr, Gallup
>(with CNN and USA Today) has asked several questions about Starr and for
>the most part people are divided in their views of his operation.  They
>seem to have become more negative in the past couple of days.
>His favorable and unfavorable ratings were about equal over the past
>weekend  (an average of about 25% fav to 25% unfav), until last night's
>poll when they were 20% fav to 38% unfav.  Last night's poll also showed
>more people believe Star is "using the political justice system to try
>to achieve political ends" (53%) than believe that he is "conducting a
>fair and impartial investigation into legitimate  issues related to
>President Clinton" (28%).   When the whole Lewinsky affair first came to
>light, a one-night poll (January 21) showed 45% who felt Starr's
>investigation was being conducted in a fair manner, while 31% said
>unfair.  At that time, Starr's ratings were 17% favorable, 15%
>unfavorable.  (In all cases where the figures to not total to 100%, the
>balance is the % who had no opinion.)
>Many of our results are posted on the web, and both CNN and USA Today
>have websites with latest poll results as well.  For the Gallup website,
>click on http://www.gallup.com ).
>David W. Moore
>The Gallup Organization
>47 Hulfish Street
>Princeton, NJ 05842
>(609) 924-9600

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