James Heartfield wrote:

>Permanent scandal is getting to be the norm for the
>political process in most countries.

Replacing real politics, I suppose, a process the U.S. probably leads the
world in. I don't know about Britain, but what's struck me as this scandal
evolved over the last 10 days is that it's mostly been stoked by the press.
The right has been pushing it, of course, but they've been pushing Clinton
scandals for years & years and gotten almost nowhere (aside, of course,
from having gotten Starr appointed). Mainstream Republicans have been very
quiet, no doubt sensibly preferring a crippled Clinton to a Gore
incumbency. The public isn't buying it; Clinton's latest approval rating is
72%, up from a week earlier, and rivaling Reagan at his best. It's all the
press. I saw Chris Matthews promoting his tiring CNBC program Hardball, and
I was stunned by his level of indignation. Must be acting prowess. It's ok
that the CIA is helping the Mexican government to run death squads, but
heavens, don't lie about an adulterous blowjob.

Meanwhile Dick Morris blames Hillary's lesbianism.


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