At 14:39 9/02/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Louis Proyect wrote:
>>What about giving land back to
>>the Indians as they are doing in Canada?
>Is this really going to happen? I find it nearly impossible to believe that
>a capitalist government would ever sign over significant amounts of land to
>aboriginals, no matter how solid their claim. Am I being too cynical?

Yes, and no.  In Bolivia, it is happening too, in the interstices of some
complicated interests/actors.  One key player is USAID, which has invested
millions in enviro. studies, and now wants to see a "park" (with Guarani
peopel's in control) put together as justification for the monies spent
(your tax dollars!).  Right thing to do; wrong reasons, but what the hell?

Tom Kruse / Casilla 5812 / Cochabamba, Bolivia
Tel/Fax: (591-42) 48242

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