At 09:09 PM 4/1/98 -0500, you wrote:
>There is a book reviewed in the 12/97 "Monthly Review" by Bruce Cumings.
The book
>is writtne by Maurice Meisner and is titled "The Deng Xiaoping Era: An
>into the Fate of Chinese Socialism."  Cumings gives it a rave review.  Has
>on the list read it?  It sounds like it has a lot to say about Mao and the
>Cultural Revolution.
>Michael yates

Meisner's book is first-rate. As far as I know, it is one of the only
Marxist appreciations--as opposed to a Maoist hagiography--of Mao and his
successors. I strongly urge it for anybody who has even a cursory interest
in China.

Louis Proyect

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