Brian Green:
>I don't know where you get this assumption from...I have never  supported
>Garcia, APRA, nor any other of the Peruvian liberal political projects, nor
>do I intend to heap praise on them or their followers now. But neither will
>I overlook power-hunger and brutality on the left...Sorry, Louis, but I
>don't assume the ends justify the means; on the contrary, the means of
>struggle can be a pretty good indicator what the "revolutionary" end might
>look like.

Yes, I apologize for making this assumption. I forgot that you stood for
your own particular notion of socialism that you thought up all on your
own. Furthermore, I can understand why you don't think the ends justifies
the means. This is a philosophical and moral position that many decent
people share, including the political science teachers I had as an

>Yes, the left does face a common enemy in Fujimori -- as they did in
>previous decades. If you have any information regarding an attempt by
>Sendero to reach out to other left movements in hopes of building a united
>and democratic alternative -- whether armed or otherwise -- I'd be thrilled
>to hear about it. To date, though, I haven't heard of any such

I had a phone call with Comrade Filomena at lunch. She had just blown up a
power station, but had a moment to share with me about these problems of
contradictions on the left. I asked her to promise me not to mistreat any
Peruvian leftists, especially democratic socialists like Brian Green (we've
discussed you often) who don't think the ends should justify the means. She
said "por supuesto." This means "of course".

Louis Proyect

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