     Apparently you haven't been on this list terribly 
long.  In fact Louis Proyect's behavior has drastically 
improved over the last year or so.  He used to one of the 
biggest and worst flamers on the internet, but has morphed 
(almost completely) into a model of reasoned discourse and 
     I suspect that the reason he flared up at you is that 
he was recently roasted severely over on 
marxism-international by the infamous Adolfo Olachea.  
Adolfo had been off that list for some time over, having 
left it in a huff when he couldn't take it over,  to go to  
the fervently Stalinist Lenin List, until it 
(unsurprisingly) splintered in an orgy of flaming and 
ideological warfare.  Adolfo is a leading spokesman for a 
faction of the PCP and is quite brilliant, knowledgeable, 
and eloquent.  He also believes that anybody who is not 
fervently kissing his behind at any given moment is a 
worthless imperialist flunky or even police spy, including 
many other people who claim to be supporters of the PCP.  
     Indeed, a particularly touchy point was Adolfo's 
savaging of Louis's support of Castro.  So, now you have 
the context of Louis's unhappy disclaimer about being a 
supporter of the PCP and his statements about being a 
"Castroite" (don't you want to say "Castroist," Louis?).
Barkley Rosser

Rosser Jr, John Barkley

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