At 12:54 PM 6/6/00 -0400, you wrote:
>>In a message dated 6/5/00 6:25:09 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
>><< Oh yes, the propertied minority needs vigorous protection against the
>>  masses. Just ask Madison, Federalist #10. >>
>>I was thinking more of the 14th Amendment, due process, equal protection,
>>that sort of thing. --jks
>Not to be scorned, but we shouldn't forget what Madison & Co. had in mind 
>in designing the U.S. government. The Bill of Rights wasn't part of the 
>original document; it took a Civil War to get the 14th Amendment, and 
>feminism to get the 19th.

and even when we got the 14th, wasn't it interpreted to allow the rise of 
joint-stock corporations at the same time that Jim Crow laws were allowed 
to take hold?

Also, wasn't the ratification of the original Bill of Rights a response to 
grass-roots rumblings (e.g., Shay's rebellion) rather than leaping 
full-grown from the crania of the founding fathers? (BTW, why is it so 
common to refer to the latter as the "founders"? They were all males, 
weren't they?)


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