Michael Hoover wrote:

>2) Re. anti-monopoly efforts, I wrote that they were generally ineffective.
>As for Sherman Anti-trust Act, only in few cases was legislation vigorously
>enforced.  Supreme Court blocked attempt to break up monopoly on sugar
>manufacture (*U. S. v E. C. Knight Co.*, 1895), claiming that interstate
>commerce covered only 'transportation' of goods, not their 'manufacture.'
>If memory serves, only two people jailed for federal 'anti-trust'
>violations before 1937 were Debs and Gompers.

Even aside from the examples of Debs & Gompers jailed for 
'anti-trust' violation, don't anti-monopoly efforts tend to have 
anti-union effects?  Higher wages for union members, to a certain 
extent, must come from higher profits of oligopoly or monopoly.  More 
competition, lower wages, no?  The example of truckers & trucking 
companies before & after deregulation may be instructive.


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