>     During WW II in the war in the Pacific, one of the most horrendous battles
>was fought over the island of Tarawa.  Death in great numbers came to both
>sides.  Tarawa is now beneath the Pacific ocean, a casualty of global warming.
>Gene Coyle

30,000 people live on Tarawa. The expected high today is 86 degrees. 
The high point on Tarawa is 260 feet above sea level.

Where do people pick up such misinformation?

Brad DeLong
Professor J. Bradford DeLong
Department of Economics, #3880
University of California at Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720-3880
(510) 643-4027; (925) 283-2709 voice
(510) 642-6615; (925) 283-3897 fax

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