HE: . . .   We intellectuals have to join the organizations of these
committed workers and help them write a consistent programme
how to avoid ecological catastrophe by a world wide
proletarian revolution, and establish a minority
dictatorship which will carry out this programme with
Stalinist methods.

You will be surprised how many liberals with support such a
proletarian-based movement once it is big enough.  . . .

When it's big enough, will we have a choice?

HE: . . . Therefore
my advice is: join any proletarian communist party, whether
it be the Worker's World Party (my personal favorite at the
moment), the CPUSA, the SWP, etc., whatever, . . .

[mbs] WWP does great banners, but my favorite is
the Naxalbari (CPI-M).  They came into villages
and cut off landlords heads.

HE:  . . .  Or use
your computer skills to write the software for a
computer-based planned economy, . . .

[mbs] I've already done this.  Unfortunately we
will have to limit ourselves to the production
of nuts and apples.

HE:   . .  Whatever you
do, think big.  Stop diddling around.



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