Anthony P. D'Costa
Associate Professor                             Ph: (253) 692-4462
Comparative International Development           Fax: (253) 692-5718             
University of Washington                        Box Number: 358436
1900 Commerce Street                            
Tacoma, WA 98402, USA

On Thu, 29 Jun 2000, Max Sawicky wrote:

> Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 11:51:23 -0400
> From: Max Sawicky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [PEN-L:20946] RE: On Mark to Rod, was Re: Re: re: energy
> HE: . . .   We intellectuals have to join the organizations of these
> committed workers and help them write a consistent programme
> how to avoid ecological catastrophe by a world wide
> proletarian revolution, and establish a minority
> dictatorship which will carry out this programme with
> Stalinist methods.
> You will be surprised how many liberals with support such a
> proletarian-based movement once it is big enough.  . . .
> [mbs]
> When it's big enough, will we have a choice?
> HE: . . . Therefore
> my advice is: join any proletarian communist party, whether
> it be the Worker's World Party (my personal favorite at the
> moment), the CPUSA, the SWP, etc., whatever, . . .
> [mbs] WWP does great banners, but my favorite is
> the Naxalbari (CPI-M).  They came into villages
> and cut off landlords heads.

It is not CPI-M, it is CPI-ML (marxists leninists).  CPI-M is the ruling
party of the state of West Bengal, now for two decades.  Naxalbari, a
village in north Bengal is the site of adhibasis (ancient peoples) or
tribals.  It is not surprising, given the massive exploitation that took
place, that tools for cultivation would be used for annhilating the class

> HE:  . . .  Or use
> your computer skills to write the software for a
> computer-based planned economy, . . .
> [mbs] I've already done this.  Unfortunately we
> will have to limit ourselves to the production
> of nuts and apples.
> HE:   . .  Whatever you
> do, think big.  Stop diddling around.
> Word.
> mbs

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